Chapter 12

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I apologize for all spelling/grammar mistakes and I know that this chapter could have been so much better trust me😂 (see the bold at the end of the chapter)

And at that exact moment.
The moment Derek ran off after telling me he loved me, I knew he would live. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my heart, and I could breathe easily for the first time in forever.

Because there was no way Derek was going to die now. That was just the way it was going to be. Because fate couldn't be that cruel. Hadn't I lived through enough pain? Enough suffering?
Derek telling me he loved me and running off before I could say it back was fates way of saying I could hold on to this one. This one was mine.

Because Derek Hale was not dying until he knew I loved him.


Derek was going to live.
Derek was going to live.

I felt so happy I could have done ten cartwheels and a backflip and not given a damn that I had broken my neck because Derek was coming back to me.

As I watched him run off, a smile spread across my face and I ran my hands through my hair. No one was deserving of the pain of losing someone before they could confess their love. Even I didn't have that horrible luck. There was no other option, Derek was coming back to me.

At that moment I felt a hand start rubbing my back soothingly, comfortingly, but I kindly shook it off no longer needing to be consoled. I turned around to face Lydia and started pulling her back to the safe house, wanting this night to be over fast so I could be with Derek again.

"Stiles?" Lydia asked, not realizing the good news,"are you going to be ok?"

I turned to her, and gave her a hug, squeezing her so tight she was lifted off the ground. When I put her down her hair was frizzy and she looked dumbfounded. I laughed, she didn't yet know why everything had changed.
"Derek told me he loved me," I said not able to hold it in.
At that a look of shock passed Lydia's face, before anger took its place.
"How could he do that to you. That bastard. How could he drop a bomb on you like that and walk off. I know you don't want to hear this Stiles, but what if he doesn't make it and-"

"No, no," I said cutting her off,"you don't understand, Derek said he loved me and I didn't say it back, so therefore he can't die. He can't die until I say it back."
Tears welled in Lydia's eyes, confusing me. This was good news Derek was safe.
"Oh Stiles," she said, horrified,"that....that's not how life works. I don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you to get hurt either. There is a...very real chance something might happen."
My face fell and my happiness dimmed, she didn't understand.
"I know how life works, Lydia," I said trying to hold back any venom in my voice, I knew she was just trying to look out for me,"everything I have ever cared about has been taken from me. I have suffered through things you will never understand," she flinched at that,"but this time it's different. I just know it."
She fell silent after that as we walked back to the safe house entering through the doors where the rest of the pack was. They all had the same pitying look on their faces, but I didn't feel liking telling them that Derek was going to be fine. They would probably doubt me too. So I walked past them not making eye contact, and went to sit away from them.
I pulled Derek's leather jacket tighter around me as I sat down, comforted by its presence. He would be back with me soon. And then I was going to hit him over the head for scaring me before. And then kiss the living day lights out of him. And then make sure he knew he was the center of my universe and that I loved him with every inch of my being. And then maybe slap him again just in case he ever thought about putting himself in life threatening situations again.

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