Chapter 6

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Im excited this story is almost to 100 views thank you to everyone who reads this love you all-Anna❤️❤️❤️

The first thing I didn't remember was where I was and how in holy hell I got there.
I also didn't recall being tied down to a chair with rope the width of my arm.
I didn't know why my whole body ached, or why there was blood dripping down my face. I also didn't know why the room I was in was so dark or why it smelled like a dead mouse. The amount of things I didn't know at the moment could fill a book. And that scared me.

I felt a sense of dread pool in my stomach, this was wrong all wrong.
I was supposed to be on break, hanging out with the pack, having fun. Not stuck in some random basement waiting for someone (or if I was really unlucky, something) to come have their way with me.
I desperately tried to find a way out of my restraints, I pulled, and twisted, and tugged, but the ropes held.
All I was doing was giving myself rope burn.

I felt an overwhelming urge to cry. How was I going to get out of this mess? The pack probably wouldn't know I was missing until hours from now. My dad came home in the afternoon today for an hour or so before he had to go back to work, but he would probably just assume I was at Scott's.
Scott would assume I was home.
I wanted to scream in frustration, but if someone was here with me I most likely did not want to draw attention to myself.
I was stuck between a rock and a hard place. It seemed the only way out of this mess was to wait it out and pray to god someone found me.

Waiting was not something I did well.

(One hour later)

The suspense was going to kill me long before my kidnapper would have the chance.
Anxiety was building in my chest, almost to the point where I couldn't breath. And at this point, more sweat then blood was on my face. My whole body was trembling, and more then anything I jut wanted to see a familiar face.
Just then, a door I previously had not noticed due to the darkness burst open, and a tall figure stepped in the room.
The man, as I was about to find out, turned on a dim light before bolting the door behind him.
There stood Gerard Argent.
Not the familiar face I was hoping for.

"Stiles is it?" He said in a gruff voice as he walked towards me.
I didn't say anything, just glared at him.
He chuckled,"Strong willed are we. That's ok by the end of the night you'll be more then willing to talk." I swallowed thickly, but kept eye contact. I was a hell of a lot stronger then he was giving me credit for.

"Here's what's going to happen boy, I have questions about a certain Alpha and you're going to answer them."

"What do you plan on doing with said Alpha?" I'd never been good with keeping my mouth shut. But, if I was going to talk might as well get some information out if it.
"Well I have a score to settle," he turned his back to me and walked over to a table in the corner of the room. The foreboding sound of metal clanging against wood echoed throughout the room," the more I know about the animal, the easier it will be to cut him in half."

"If you go near Derek I'll kill you that I promise," I all but screamed at him. The sudden need to defend the Alpha felt odd, but all I knew at the time was that Gerard was threatening someone I gave a shit about. And that was not something I took lightly.
Pain bloomed on my right cheek, I bit my lip to stop from making a sound but a whimper or two echoed in the now silent room.
Faster then I thought possible for a man of his age, Gerard managed to cross the room in a heartbeat, and punched me. He then grabbed my face, forcing me to look at him,"Respect your elders boy."

"Nothing about you is worth respecting."
Gerard chuckled, but spoke with rage,"You will regret saying that."
He turned back to the wooden table, and picked up a hunting knife. My breathing was heavy, and fear settled deep in my bones. The time of foreplay was over.
"Now tell me boy, what is Derek's weakness." Even if I knew the answer I wouldn't have told him, I kept my mouth shut and once again held Gerard's gaze.


A scream echoed throughout the Argent house, but no one was there to hear it.


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