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On the top is Kireina 



As I wake up scared hearing yelling. My Dad running through the door of my room Saying "time for the first day of school". As me and my sister getting up so fast can't wait for school.As we finish getting ready we go in the kitchen for breakfast but see there was nothing because are mom was in the room drunk as always. My sister had a sad face "Kireina why is mom always pass out like this" as I saw my sister disappointed face waiting for me to answer. " Don't worry mom is just having a hard time that's all", how about we make are own breakfast for today". Seeing as my sister face bright up in joy warm me up. As we finally finish eating and getting are stuff on walking to school with are dad. 

Entering School 

Finally as I saw my a 6th grade teacher outside I ran to her. My sister ran to her class "Bye Kireina!" "Bye Daku!", as i'm in my class everyone is looking at me as  I walk in calm because this is my 4th school already so i'm use to. The teacher say to the class "This is our new student her name is Kireina please be kind" as I walk over for a sit next to a girl with pretty blue eyes and shiny brown hair and on the other side of me was this boy with dark black hair and grey eyes,as I sit all of a sudden the girl next to me said "Hi i'm Banika you wanna hang with me during Lunch. As I nod my head yes she smiled and laugh. Which kind of freaked me out a little. 

Lunch Time

As I sat next to Banika I notice that no one sat in the table they all were scared of her for some reason "Banika why are they scared and why do they keep looking at us". She looked at me with a evil grin "well lets just say i do some pretty bad things , Things you don't have to worry about don't worry i wont hurt you if you think I would". As I gave a Big smile "okay" and we started eating are food.

End of the day for school

As I was exiting the school my dad for got to pick me up again and it was raining out as I ran home I saw a boy who was scared as I looked at him he is in the same grade as me in the other class I decide to go up to him " whats wrong" the boy got up with his red eyes full of tears and his White hair soak because of the rain "my parents forgot about me again". I felt bad as I rub off the tears in his eyes" it will be okay would you like to walk with me". As the boy face brighten up "yes that would be cool" and as I walk with him I notice he's 3 house over from me. Which was a good thing so I wouldn't be stuck in the rain any longer. As we hit his house he turned around saying "Thank you" as there was a silent between us " Oh yea I forgot my name is Nobuo"  I looked at him and smiled " I'm Kireina". "um since we are talking I was wonder if you want to hangout tomorrow if that is okay with you" As I was looking at him in surprise I smile "sure why not". As he ran inside his house I said "Byee" and ran home.

At Home 

As I get home I hurry to my room cause my dad hates when I get home late. as I layed down on the bed smiling cause I met a boy. All of a sudden I heard stomping coming towards my room I knew who it was I got up getting ready for whatever was going to happened. As I see my dad with a mad face looking right at me. as I look at his hand I see a long leather belt with sharp blades on the side. I was scared but trying not to show it  so I wouldn't show I was weak. Using all his strength on me with a lash I try dunking it as it hit my face blood was coming down. As he push me to the wall choking me trying to catch breath. on the corner of my eye I see my sister watching in fear I smack my dad trying to run to the door to close it so she wouldn't watch. He came at me fast with me on the floor almost passing out as he pick up my head "Mom made me do this". I finally pass out. As i finally wake up for 2 hours of sleep I open my eyes seeing my sister and she has a wet cloth wiping off the blood on my face. As I get up in pain "GET OUT" she got up in fear and ran to her room. I didn't want her to see me like this. As I sit back down crying my eyes out repeating the words my dad said to me " mom made me do this" as I keep trying to keep the crying in so no one would hear me. As I got done crying I got ready for bed.

  I will make more don't worry I type fast 

      And fast lol 

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