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⬆The song on the top is called Faydee- Unbreakable ( Arabic Sub )⬆

As I Got Home 

As I got home dad put me in my room and lock the door. I was just crying my eyes out trying to not make noise. All that was going through my head was Nobuo standing there watching. Wishing that he wouldn't have seen that. As I went to my Drawer and pull out a Blade. As I laid back my eyes were full of tears. I took the blade and started cutting my wrist trying to get the thoughts out of my mind and just feel the pain in my arm. As I lose a lot of blood I pass out there was  blood on the floor . But something woke me and I didn't know who it was. So I just pretend to sleep and as the person came closer "you deserve this". As the person walk away I pass out."

Waking up

As i'm getting up I check the time it was 6:24 am earlier than I was suppose to wake up for school. But gave me more time to clean my blood before it stands the floor. As I was cleaning my blood. All I was thinking " you deserve this" . I couldn't believe it my own mother would stay that. Tears just started coming out of my eyes. I was so broken. I couldn't believe that. as the thoughts went through my head. I felt like just ending my life I didn't want to go through all this. But I couldn't leave this world not yet and not now. I have to be here for my sis and I want her to grow up and live a good life. So I suck up my tears and got ready for school. woke up my sis and left.

Walking to school

As I was walking to school it was quite and Daku kept talking to me but I didn't answer. And Nobuo was walking with us but he didn't brought it up at all. All I was hoping that he didn't see anything. He actually looked happy my sis and him were talking and playing. But I was happy seeing their smiles it gave me hope. That even though I go through hell there will always be people out there who actually does make me happy. 

After School was over 

As after school was over Nobuo was waiting for me but I just thought he was worry something bad might happen again. But as I was walking He was behind me and wrap his hands hugging me. I could feel his tears as they went on my shirt. "I'm so sorry". When he said that i broke down crying turning around hugging him, "it's fine i'm used to it". He look at me. "No Kireina don't you say that." I look at him laid my head on his shoulder crying to him. " I can't do this". And I pass out. "KIREINA!". I was still losing blood He started crying as he saw the cuts on my arm "No this can't happened". He couldn't call the hospital because he didn't want that memory to happen again so he pick me up crying his eyes out and took me to his house. "Kireina why did you do this. As he tried to stop the bleeding. I was losing too much. He didn't know what to do. The whole time I was  having a dream of my love ones who was there telling me to just give up and come with them. 

waking up 

As I woke up didn't know what had happened at all as I open my eyes seeing him in tears. I looked at him "what happened". He came fast and hugged me. "Never do that again, For me plz I don't ever want to see you like that again". I look at him tears came out as I hug him tighter "i'm sorry Nobuo". Than I got up and got ready to go home.

When I got Home

As I open the door knowing that dad is probably waiting to hit me so I was ready when I open it I look."NOOOO". I ran over to the body that was on the floor. Crying my eyes out.

      You will Find out more in my next Chapter

  sorry if you're mad  

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