The Dream

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 hey yah sorry it is so late and I want a nickname for yah please comment below what you guys want me to call you 

  It was quiet and Nobuo was starring Akemi down like prey. I didn't know what to do "um Nobuo are you okay". He stop looking and looked at me "yea i'm fine I will let you guys catch up and I will go play with Daku". As he ran off Akemi and I started to talk about the good times we had and we talk for a little while "um Kireina do you um want to  grab coffee with me on saturday  this week Like a date".I looked at him in surprise. " um sure but I just want to be friends that's all ". he had no smile  "Oh okay" I looked at him "but hey at least we're still going out" and I saw his face bright up. As we got done talking he left and I went to play with Nobuo and my sis we had fun we stayed in till dark and then finally went home 


as we got home we all took a shower and Daku was finally asleep as I went to the my room and fell asleep I felt someone laid next to me "why Kireina". I turn I saw Nobuo "kireina I don't want you talking to other guys" As I say his face in anger "um why". He looked at me " cause I love you and I want you to be mine and know one else" I couldn't believe the words he just said "I'm sorry". As I feel his warm body against me I love when I got close to him my heart would beat faster ." Nobuo I Lo-" Before I could finish what I was going to say "BEEP BEEP!" I woke up"Wow it was all dream huh" I got up and got ready for school Daku was already at school now it was me and Nobuo time to go to school as we finally were out the door we walk to school together " Kireina what's wrong you haven't talked". I looked up at him "oh sorry  i'm just a little tired ". He smiled "oh okay just making sure". As we were finally at school I was at my boring class just looking out the window like usually not listening to the teacher all I was thinking about was the dream "Stop thinking about that you idiot I started to hit my head and I didn't know I said that out loud everyone was looking at me like I was crazy " Sorry" They all went back to work.

School over (Finally)

Kireina POV:

Me and Nobuo walked home together I couldn't stop thinking I wanted to ask him a question but to scared to ask. all I was wondering if Nobuo had the same feelings for me like I did for him. But I couldn't I thought something might go wrong between us or if he didn't actually like me and then everything would be awkward between us. So I just looked away and didn't bother to ask.   

Nobuo POV:

I didn't know what was up with kireina she was acting weird I am really worried about her. I hope she's alright cause I heard the rumor in class of what happened everyone was talking about it they were calling her crazy but I didn't want to ask what was wrong it was none of my business " And as I was looking at her she looked beautiful as always God how much I wish we were together but that guy Akemi probably already got her under his wing I guess we don't always get the person you love the most that is just how life works.

IDK if this is a cliff hanger but oh well Ha cliff hanger I know you probably hate me oh well I love you to Kk bye read me next time 

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