Black Holes and Milky Ways with No Hats

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Milky Way: Saggie!

Sagittarius A: Whaddaya want, old hag?

Milky Way: Why is there a dead human in my basement?

Sagittarius A: Oh hey how'd he get there?

Milky Way: How did he get there?

 Sagittarius A: I didn't do this

 Milky Way: What happened, Sagittarius?

 Sagittarius A:  I, I've never seen him before in my life

Milky Way: Sagittarius A! Why did you kill this person?!

  Sagittarius A: I do not kill people. That, that's my least favorite thing to do.

Milky Way: Sagittarius, what were you doing before I got home?

 Sagittarius A: Okay so I was scrolling through Spacebook

Milky Way: Alright....

Sagittarius A: Chattin' with Earth

Milky Way: Yes...

Sagittarius A: Just talkin' about Old Geezer Universe

Milky Way: Don't call Universe-sama that, go on....

  Sagittarius A: Then this guy comes in, I go up to him and stab him 47 times in the chest

Milky Way: 0o0 Sagittarius that kills people!


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