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After 1 month........

"Okay class dismissed" The professor said.

She picked up her books and put it inside her bag.

She went out of their classroom to get some fresh air. She sat on the swing that is on the playground near their university. As the wind blows through her hair, she puts on her earphones. She pushed the ground using her feet for the swing to move. She is now listening to some music when a familiar song plays.....

"Happiness is just a word. It's a dream that everyone wants"

"Baby called my happiness"

The thought of him made her smile again.

She just shooked her head to get rid of the thoughts that comes to her mind. Just remembering him is making her fall in love again.


On her way home, she noticed a piece of paper on the street. She picked it up and threw it in the trash can. While walking, she noticed another paper. Letting out a sigh she threw it again. As she is coming closer to her house she noticed a lot of papers on her way. She is starting to get annoyed. "Kids these days doesn't know about proper waste disposal"

When she reached her house, she stopped in front of her gate. Looking at the gate, she looked surprise.

"Are these?" As she opened an envelope it contains her letter.

"To him,

Hey you. Well this is kinda strong to begin with but I like you.

I know you don't know me cause duh who would. But hey.

I exist.



All of the memories starts flashing in her head. The things shen  has done. All of the ketter she wrote. Places she has been. Everything. Just to see that one guy. She took a real good in front of her. All of the envelopes hanging there are her letters. Every letter has a picture of her in it. Actually, the gate is full of her pictures. All of them are stolen or should I say "candid" shots of her.

A picture of her holding a their lightstick and smiling...

A picture of her while getting something from her bag...

Her looking somewhere inside the arena...

But one thing comes to her mind.

"These are all from the places I've been to just to see him" she said.

Still puzzled and confused, she went inside and opened their front door.

Her aunt welcomed her with a smile and she just smiled back and went straight to her room.

"Didn't she noticed?"she asked herself.

She jumped on her bed while she tackled her pillow. Feeling her eyelids getting heavy and letting out a yawn she knew that she felt sleepy.

Just when she was about to fall asleep, her aunt entered the room.

"Hey sweetheart" Her aunt said.

She got up from her bed and sat while holding her pillow. Her aunt flashed her sweetest smile which made her smile back.

"So this came for you" Her aunt gave her a green envelope.

Just when she was about to ask her aunt she immediately got up and walked out of her room.

She looked at envelope. It has nothing written on it. "Who's this from?"

She went to their garden and sat on the grass. The breeze is just perfect and it tickles her skin. It was starting to get dark but it's still bright enough to read what's inside the envelope.

She smiled when she noticed that the letter is written on a stationery with cute characters on it.

"To her,

Have you seen what I did? I was the one that put those papers on the street. I was the one that hang your letters with your pictures on your gate. I was actually the one that took all of those pictures. I'm sorry if it took me a month to say all of this to you. I'm sorry if I have been a coward. Sorry.

Whenever you send me those letters and told me that my smile is contagious or you've fallen inlove with it, how about me? I also love your smile. Your smile basically lights up the room. Remember when you asked me if I have read your letters? Well, I have. Every fansigning I wait for you. When you don't come I start to wonder where you are. If you've eaten or got enough sleep. I'm also sorry if I wasn't been able to comfort you when Kitty and your dad died. I swear I wanted to run to you and hugged you when I saw you after that. At the ISAC, you said I was looking elsewhere. Actually, I was finding you. When I did, I become motivated. I did well because of you. Whenever I look for you and find you laughing and smiling with the other fans I smile too. When you took pictures of me, I also did. Don't you know that my heart bursts every time you hold my hand? Your hands are so warm and soft that it matches well with your angelic face. I'm a fool for you too you know.

But when you sent me that last letter, it broke my heart. I want to keep recieving those kind of letters from you. I know you're quite confused because of this but I admire you even before you sent me those letters. You captivated my heart right from the very start. It took me a month to say my feelings for you and now that I've confessed let me tell you this.

I love you Samantha and now that I have.

Will you be the star in my universe?



Tears fell from her eyes. She just curled up head on her knees. She felt that someone is standing in front of her. It's probably her aunt.

The person infront of her kneel down to match with her.

When she look at the person infront of her she can see a worry in his eyes. But those eyes, you can see sparks in it. Sparks that is beautiful to look. Hoe can someone's eyes look so beautiful yet has a hint of mystery look so captivating?

She looked at the person in front. His face is shining more brighter than the sky behind him. He matches the sky that is behind him. Everything is just perfect. Everything matches.

He wiped her tears using his thumb and put a part of her hair behind her ears. It's like electricity flows through her body with just a slight gesture. He smiled softly as he looked at her. It's him. Lee Jihoon. And he couldn't help but to smile as he sees the woman in front of him. He just finds her so beautiful. The girl infront of him. The girl he wants. The gurl he needs is right infront of her. The star that he's been constantly dreaming about. The star he wished he could reached. Little did they know that the stars are the witnessed if their love.

"Don't cry my star. Let's make our love story a great story to tell"

That's when she felt his lips touch hers.


(A/N: So this is the ending of this story! Thank you everyone for reading it! I hope you like it. I will make sure to make more stories in the future~ Thank you y'all. Muahhhhhh!

P.S. Jihoon, i love you)

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