"listen, please"

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When the cab stopped at Baker Street and the two men got off, it was already late and completely dark outside. Sherlock got the keys out of his pocket and silently opened the door. He held it open for John who made an angry sound when passing him. Sherlock smiled a tiny smile, his plan worked out so far: John was angry.
But what now? 'There's no way back', Sherlock said to himself. "John, I'm...", "don't even try, Sherlock", John responded angrily, trying to keep his voice a quiet whisper. "What was that today?! Why do you even keep taking me on cases if you always make a fool out of me?! What for?? You behaved like a total dick today, Sherlock."

"Finished?", Sherlock asked with a little smile, but also a bit worried and sorry that John was so upset. "John, please, let me explain this. I needed you to get angry with me, otherwise we wouldn't have had a talk down here, like we're having now." He made a step towards John who was standing with his back against the wall. "I don't get it. Stop messing with me Sherlock. What the hell is going on?! Is this another one of your games to distract me from everything? Just stop being such an asshole. What are you even talking about???"
"Please, calm down. You're right, I was a dick today. Maybe the plan was crappy, I'm sorry John. I thought I had figured it out but it seems like I still don't understand much of your feelings and thats really a pity." "Ooh, are you going this way now?! Trying to make me feel sorry for you?" John was really furious, Sherlock knew this and he hated himself for his behviour. "No, John. I'm just... listen, please." He made another step towards him, now they were only one metre away from each other. "Do you know what day it is?" John looked completely out of his mind. "Are you mad? Of course I know!!" "No, I mean... John, today is..." He couldn't find the right words to say it. "Listen Sherlock, if you don't mind I'm going to pick up Rosie from Mrs. Hudson and go home, I'm tired." And he was heading towards the stairs, but Sherlock jumped forwards and blocked his way with his body.

Grabbing him by the shoulders, he whispered: "No, John, there's a thing I have to tell you. Now. And I would really appreciate if you didn't interrupt me because it will take me all my courage to do this. Could you do this for me??" And he turned John around once more and softly pushed him against the wall. He could see the sudden anticipation and curiosity in Johns eyes and he noticed that his facial expressions got a bit more calm and relaxed now, not so angry anymore. "Okay," he said, "go on, I'll be listening."

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