Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

“He’s awake!” I announced on the phone to Ruby’s parents. Ruby was still in Ryder’s room and she asked me to tell her parents to come down as soon as the can. 

“What?” Gina gasped.

“Ryder’s finally awake. Ruby was going to call you but she’s still in the room with him so she told me to call you instead.” I told them.

“R-Ryder’s awake?” Gina stammered.

“Yes, Mrs Adams, he’s awake and healthy but he just needs some time to get used to moving around but he’s awake.” I replied.

“How long has he been awake?” She asked.

“About an hour or so.” I answered.

“Oh god.” She gasped then it was silent on the other end for a bit before she yelled out, “Tony! Get Wes, we’re going to London!”

“Mrs Adams, are you driving or should I pick you up from the train station?” I asked.

“Could you pick us up please? The traffic is going to be horrid today. Also, tell Ruby we’re coming and that we need to stay at her place for a few days.” She told me.

“Sure, I’ll let her know.” I told her.

“Thanks for telling us, Liam.” She said.

“No problem. Just give me a ring when you know what time you’ll be here and all the details.” I said and she agreed before we said our goodbyes and hung up. I slowly knocked on Ryder’s closed door and opened it once I heard the muffled, ‘come in.’ 

Ruby was sat on the bottom of Ryder’s bed and the bed was propped up so that Ryder was now sitting. The doctor came in earlier and he pretty much said the same things as what he said to Elise. That he needs to stay at the hospital for a bit longer, that he needs to go into physical therapy because he’s been immobile for to long and the likes of all that. 

“I just called your mum, your whole family’s taking a train here and I’m going to pick them up once they come.” I told the both of them then I turned to Ruby and said, “also your mum said that they’ll be staying with you for a few days.”

Ruby groaned but nodded. “They’re going to be a riot.”

Ryder then cleared his throat at pointedly glanced at Ruby then at me. Somehow, Ruby seemed to understand him before I did, maybe it was the whole twin telepathy that was apparently true. I wouldn’t know, i don’t know any twins apart from Louis’ sisters who I haven’t seen since they were eight years old.

“Oh, right!” Ruby exclaimed. She hopped off the bed and bounced over to me, her smile never wavering as she looked from me to Ryder. “Ryder, this is my boyfriend, Liam. Liam, this is my brother, Ryder.”

“Hello.” I said as I went over and shook his hand. 

“Hey.” He said with a nod. “So, they’re all coming?” 

I nodded in answer. “Yeah, your mother yelled at your dad to pack their things and Wes’.”

“What about Hannah?” He asked. Who the hell is Hannah? I thought. His eyes studied my face then said with realisation, “you don’t know Hannah.”

I looked to Ruby and she had her bottom lip in between her teeth. Her eyes were darting around the room, not in an avoiding kind of way but more like I’m-trying-not-to-cry way. “Uh... She was mentioned once...” I let my voice hang in the air. I thought Ruby and I were past the whole hidden past thing. But I guess she left out someone important.

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