Chapter 1 - Break It Up

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Yurio's P. O. V (As you can tell This'll be in his P. O. V alot, since this is Otayuri with a hint of Viktuuri and lots of other ships)

Ugh... The lovebirds are at it again,  making out by the ice rink. At least this time it wasn't the old man and the pig.  This was Mila and her boyfriend...  Weetabix maybe? Oats and sticks? Otabek? Yeah,  Otabek. I mean seriously what the fuck?!?! Can't I go 5 minutes without some random couple making out so I can have peace and pda free skating practice time?!?!

"Alright you two break it up!" I stomped onto the ice and pushed Mila and her boy toy apart,  trying to dodge the string of saliva threatening to come down onto my head as I stood under them.

"Come on Yurio, I thought you of all people would be happy for me." She pouted,  looking down at me with a dramatic expression.

"One,  don't fucking call me that.  Two,  maybe if you weren't such a-"

"Well babe,  you certainly weren't wrong about this Russian Punk, were you?" Her boyfriend chimed in.

I looked up to who I thought was a douche bag,  but turned out to be the most attractive man I-


Anyway, I had to admit,  he did defiantly exceed all expectations for what I thought he'd look like.  Less of a leather clad douche bag and more of an acceptable boyfriend.


"Alright...  Jesus Christ." (A/N:He sounds so much like JJ right now...  Speaking of JJ,  more about his history with the Canadian asshole later on) He patted my head mockingly.

"Look I don't know who you are and don't care to find out,  what I do want to know however," I grabbed his wrist and bent it back,  stopping only when I heard him wince in pain. "Is what in the fucking world gave you the idea to pat me on the head like some sort of little fucking child in need of support! DO I LOOK LIKE A CHILD TO YOU?!?! " I yelled at him before walking off.

As I was,  I couldn't help but laugh to myself,  as far as first impressions go,  I'm quite proud of that. I feel bad for flipping out though.  Oh well,  I told Mila to make sure that asshole didn't touch my fucking head.  She knows that 'he' used to do that and she knows that I'd rather die than be reminded about 'him'.

I quickly ran out of the skating rink,  hopefully to go home,  or anywhere better than there.  I don't want to have an episode in front of Beka... Sweet jesus only 10 minutes with the guy and I'm already calling him by a nickname.

My history with 'him' is quite complicated really. I could feel salty tears prick my eyes and run down my cheeks just thinking about what happened,  why I grew to resent 'him'  so much.

I was about 14 when it happened, when I fell for 'him'.  It makes me sick even thinking about it really, how 'he'  made me fall for 'him' like that.  By 'him',  I mean JJ.  That's right,  Jean Jacque Leroy skating star of Canada.  The one I despise.  I really believed he loved me,  that I was special to him. When actually,  all I was to him was an experiment.  I found out after I came home to find him in bed with his current fiancé.  He claims we never happened,  but take one look at how I acted towards him during that time period and it's obvious I was in love.

JJ and I were close,  like really close. I didn't realise at the time though, he was using me.  Grandpa knew immediately that JJ was abusive and was just using me, but I refused to listen.  I wish I had though.  Now every head pat I get,  every time someone ruffles my hair,  even just putting their arm around me sends me into a fucking frenzy.

I feel awful about it honestly. I wish I hadn't reacted like such a shit to Beka.  I guess part of me was just jealous really,  jealous of them having what I didn't...  A soulmate.

I felt warm tears stream down my cheeks just thinking about everything, causing my vision to blur slightly in the process.  I mentally kicked myself for crying.  Men don't cry,  I'll never find my soulmate if I'm a wuss.  That's just not how it works. 


I ran towards home as soon as it came into view,  hoping to get there as soon as possible.  Home is the only source of comfort in my life (apart from grandpa) that I could rely on to be there.  It was a source of safety,  comfort,  reliability and stability for me.  Having my own safe space to be in always helps.

I just couldn't get Beka out my head. The jealousy I felt and the way he made me feel. I felt like I should be the one that has him,  not Mila.  I knew I should be happy for them but I can't be.  Not feeling like this.

Pull yourself together Yuri!!! You will not fall for some stupid douche Mila is dating. Not today!

Ugh! I need to deal with this crush before it ruins me.  I barely know the guy,  yet something seems different about him.

I opened the door and immediately something was off.  I looked over to see my flower,  once just a small sapling,  in full bloom.  The pale blue petals swaying delicately in the breeze that swept through. It looked beautiful,  what I've always hoped for when my flower bloomed.

I immediately started smiling,  I mean, I found my soulmate, why wouldn't I be happy.  This is what I've been waiting for. TAKE THAT JJ YOU PRICK!!!  YOU ASSHOLE!!!

Wait a minute,  who have I actually met today that I haven't met before or acknowledged before...


Yes shit... Very much shit...  Extremely fucking shit...

Also,  I hope you enjoyed this.  I did.  I also had a talk with Autumn and we're making Viktuuri a bigger part of this.  It'll start with their vows so as not to confuse you if you remember from the prologue,  but their story will be told in a series of flashbacks that will happen every few chapters.  Their relationship is similar to that of Otabek and Yuri's,  Viktor starts off with Sara but ends up with Yuuri in the end.

Hope you'll enjoy this as it goes on.

I feel nice today,  so you can have an early update.


(P. S : Leave feedback please)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2017 ⏰

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