Chapter 37: Be Strong, Believe.

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Hey fiends!

Yes, I am back from the dead. My term at my job is up and now I'm looking for work again but while I do that I can get some writing done. Anyways, here's a new chapter for you all. I hope you enjoy and don't forget to: Read. Vote. Comment. And tell all your friends about social life ruining fan fiction!



I don't know if it was from the emotional exhaustion I felt after yesterday or if it was from finally being able to talk to Tali about my history. But I felt less full; I felt open and almost free to feel everything deeper. Tali went to her appointment after our small talk. And then afterwards we went for that ice cream. I saw something in Tali's eyes when she walked out of the Doctor's office, I saw her face glowing a very natural golden glow, and her eyes were bright and filled with hope. It was like she was wearing a lot of makeup and it got all messed up and made her look terrible and now she's finally washed it off her inner beauty has a chance to shine through. The way she spoke as well, it was different. Her voice wasn't soft and timid, it sounded normal. I wanted to ask her what they did in there but I didn't. If she wants to tell me I'll listen.

I was woken up by the sound of my phone vibrating on the nightstand. I rolled over, my eyes could barely stay open they were so heavy. I sighed at the text message from Scarlett. She was reminding me that Griffin has a birthday party to attend tomorrow and we still need to get a present. This made me sigh and rub the side of my face. Reluctantly, I got up and stretched with a well rested yawn, undoing all the kinks in my back before venturing downstairs. But I was stopped dead in my tracks on the stairs. A memory from weeks past stood at the battle front covered in enemy's blood and ready to knock me on my ass. And knock me on my ass is what it did. I stood there like an idiot with my gob hung open and remembered that day perfectly.

It was like a flashback, a horrible nightmarish flashback. I woke up and Steph wasn't in the bed. That wasn't all too surprising; she's always been an early bird. She's gotten used to having Griffin around so now she naturally gets up early to start her day.

I went downstairs that early morning, after being abruptly woken up by a bird flying into the window. Steph was already up, and I'm assuming Tali was too. I was so happy they were getting along as well as they were. When I got home last night they were curled up on the couch watching a movie. Tali was asleep and Steph was lying behind her, pinned against the back of the couch. From my perspective it looked like Steph was comforting Tali; there was a pizza box on the table with a couple of cans of soda. And even though Tali was asleep she looked absolutely drained, same with Steph. I left them be and went up to bed, Steph didn't come up to join me and I didn't hear Tali going upstairs so I am deducing they both slept on the couch last night. I'd imagine they won't be in the greatest of moods today, wonderful.

"I'm sorry about last night, Steph. I didn't mean to unload my baggage onto you like that." I heard Tali say in a timid way that sounded almost ashamed. I stopped on the stairwell and listened carefully. My eyebrows narrowed together as confusion hazed my brain but curiosity was the lighthouse.

"It's okay, chicky. You needed someone of the same sex to talk to, I understand that you couldn't go to your dad to talk about this, and Sid's acceptance only goes so far. You need a nonjudgmental person to talk to, especially after today." Steph reassured Tali in a very nurturing tone, it made me smile to myself but my curiosity was further ignited. Did Tali tell Steph something she hasn't told me? And what's happening after today?

"Ugh, can I ask you for a favour, I know this may be overstepping a line, but can you come in with me? I'm kinda scared to go in by myself." My stomach dropped at the question that fell from Tali's mouth. I wanted to go running into the kitchen, demanding answers but I was frozen in place. I felt a fear wash over me, this amount of fear reminded me of the Cold House that I've sworn never to go back to. I never wanted to feel something like that ever again but here I am, standing in the black flames of the unknown.

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