IMAGINE: Being in a SuperWhoLock crossover

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     The 11th Doctor lands the Tardis right in the middle of Sherlock's living room.

     You grin at the Doctor and hug him tightly. "I'll see you soon. Just pop in whenever you want to." You say.

     He smiles at you. "Your brother won't mind?" He asks.

     You scoff. "Sherlock has had a year to get used to you landing right in our living room. He'll be fine. Besides he's too busy solving murders with John Watson anyways." You answer.

      "Is he still angry that you're my companion?" The Doctor asks.

     You shrug a shoulder. "I think so. Sherlock gets angry at everything when it involves me. He's obsessively protective. He doesn't like that I'm going off an exciting adventures with you. I-I think he doesn't like me having fun without him." You say and then chuckle. "Whatever. I don't really care. I'm happy."

     The Doctor smiles. "Especially because of the last trip we just took?" He asks curiously.

      You grin widely. "Especially because of the last trip we took." You answer.

     The Doctor hugs you. "I'll be back soon, Y/N. Then we can visit the Winchester brothers and Castiel again, and maybe even take them on a small adventure." He says.

      You grip the Doctor's shoulders. "Really?!" You ask excitedly.

     "I don't see why not. Dean, Sam, and Cas are your best friends now. They know we time travel. Goodness, they hunt demons for a living. We've all seen strange things. I think they'll enjoy going through time and space with us." He answers.

     You squeal and hug him tightly. "That would be wonderful!" You exclaim.

     The Doctor laughs. "You better get going before Sherlock gets angry at their being a blue police box in his living room." He says.

     You pull away from the Doctor. "Thank you, Doctor." You say, before walking towards the Tardis's doors. You look back at him and smile. He salutes and smiles at you, before you step into your living room and shut the door behind you.

     The Tardis starts making its whirring noises. Your hair flies around you and you watch as it disappears, smiling. You turn around and spot Sherlock lying on the couch, casually reading.

     John Watson is on his computer, tapping away. He looks at you and smiles. "Hi, Y/N." He says.

     "Hey, John." You greet, smiling back.

     "Where were you this time?" Sherlock asks stoically, not even bothering to look at you.

     You sigh, your shoulders drooping. "In America. We helped two brothers and their friend hunt down some demons for about a month. They're my friends now. Their names are Dean, Sam, and Castiel." You answer.

     "Well, that's fun." John says, still smiling at you.

      "You could have let me know you where you were." Sherlock says.

     You fall into a chair. "Why? It's not like you ever text back anyways." You mumble.

      Sherlock sets the book down and finally looks at you. He says nothing and you raise your eyebrows. "I'm coming with you next time." He states.

     You stiffen, your heart plummeting. "What? Why?" You ask nervously.

     "Sherlock, no, let her be." John protests.

      Sherlock sits up and glares at you."I don't like you running off with some strange man in a box time traveling without me." He answers.

      You scoff. "It's my only escape from you!" You exclaim, standing up. "I go with the Doctor because I need to be away from you, Sherlock." You say, crossing your arms.

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