IMAGINE: Solving a case with Sherlock and the Winchesters

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    You sit on Sherlock's couch, shuddering uncontrollably. Sam Winchester settles a blanket around your shoulders.

     "What are you doing?" Sherlock asks him.

     "I'm-I'm giving her a blanket...?" Sam replies.

     "I can see that." Sherlock snaps sarcastically.

     "Then what's the problem?"

     "That's my blanket. I only use it. Go get her John's in the basket over there." Sherlock says, nodding to the corner.

     "Are you serious..." Sam mumbles under his breath, going to get John's blanket.

     "Dean, what are you doing in there?" Sherlock asks Dean who's in the kitchen.

    "Making Y/N some tea...? Aren't you guys famous for tea? Where is all of it?" Dean says, going through all the cabinets.

     Sherlock jumps to his feet. "Stop!Stop ransacking everything, my gosh! Mrs. Hudson will get us tea!" He exclaims. He opens the door. "Mrs. Hudson! Mrs. Hudson!" He shouts.

     "Guys, stop! Just stop!" You cry, breaking your silence and looking at them. All three of your best friends look at you. Tears fill your eyes. "Please." You plead. "One of my friends was just mauled in the middle of a forest. I need some peace and quiet." You state, your voice cracking. You are best friends Sam, Dean, and Sherlock. You decided to travel to England to visit Sherlock for a couple of weeks. You brought the Winchesters and your friend Celia from work. On the fourth day of your journey, you found Celia mysteriously dead in the woods.

     "I'm sorry, Y/N." Sam says, sitting beside you and rubbing your back.

     "We're all sorry." Dean states, walking over to you.

     "I'll find who killed Celia, Y/N. I promise I'll find who it is." Sherlock vows.

     "We will all help find who killed her." Dean fires at Sherlock, glaring at him. Sam puts his arm around you protectively. You sigh and rub your forehead. Why you ever thought bringing the Winchesters to England was a good idea is beyond you. Back home you helped the Winchester brothers with demon hunting, and they both fell in love with you. The tension was enough without having to add Sherlock into the mix, who, as well, is in love with you.


     That night you sit on the steps of Sherlock's building, your legs up to your chest. You stare at the pavement, your eyes flooded with tears. "Hey." Sherlock says softly, sitting beside you.

     "Hey." You whisper. You look at him as he gazes at you sympathetically. "Where are Dean and Sam?" You ask hoarsely.

     "They're upstairs, arguing" He states. You wince. "How come you didn't tell me they're in love with you?"

     "How did you know they're in love with me?" You ask in surprise. You sigh deeply and shake your head. "You know what, that is a stupid question." You laugh softly. Sherlock smiles at you. "I feel so stupid for bringing them here, Sherlock—knowing how the three of you all feel about me." You sigh. "Not to mention feeling guilty for inviting Celia to come along. If I hadn't, she'd still be alive."

     "Y/N, you can't feel guilty about Celia. It's not your fault. It could have happened to anyone. You can't change what you can't stop. You can't live your life wondering what would have happened to Celia if you hadn't invited her to come. It was her choice to come. You can't feel guilty about what you can't change anymore."

     You nod. "I know." You whisper.

     Sherlock wraps his arm around your shoulders and pulls you to his side. "And Y/N?" He asks. You look at him, your eyebrows raised. "You have three men vying for your heart, but I'm going to be victor." He whispers. You laugh softly.

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