The unexpected wedding night

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A Valentine's Day Tale
~ By Akanksha

Characters -
Ayaan and Aastha


"C'mon guys let's go. Ayaan must be cursing us for disturbing him today and I don't want to die soon. I've heard that if newly wedded groom curses by heart then victim's death is sure." And all of my friends burst into laughter "Let's leave him with his newly wedded wife, It's their wedding night after all and I'm sure both of them are looking for some privacy." At last Ila announced after two hours of continous irritating lessons on - What to do at wedding night. All of my friends were teasing me since hours by my 'wife's' name. Although they knew everything about my past still they were behaving like nothing happened. They all started leaving one after another and only swati was left.

"Give her a chance Ayu and I'm sure she will even die to make you happy. Aastha is a nice girl and if your mother has chosen her for you then she must be really special. Don't spoil your life by living in past and try to create some beautiful memories with your wife. She is your responsibility now." Saying this she also left leaving me with my new 'wife' and a bunch of relatives.

I walked towards the balcony and started watching the moon. Strange isn't it? Today I got married to a girl and I don't even know her full name but who cares. Now her name will be changed to Ayaan Aastha Malhotra and due to a stupid ritual I am bound to this illiterate, ugly dumb girl for my whole life. Loving her is the second thing I will not be able to even like her. She has snatched everything from me; directly or indirectly I don't care all I know is she is the main reason behind all this mess. Even if she has been forcibly married to me, she will never be able to become my wife.

"Ayaan......" mom's voice broke my thought rail

"Ayaan what are you doing here? Aastha is waiting for you son. Go celebrate your wedding night. Did you select any present for her?"

"Why do I need to buy a present for her when I'm not even interested in her and what wedding night mom? You got whatever you wanted and now just leave me alone." I was really angry with her

"Ayaan she is your wife and you will give her respect. Now go to your room and behave properly. I don't want any nuisance. I have promised her father that she will live with every comfort here." Her voice was rather high. I just like a good son again obeyed her order and left for my room.

As I entered my room I didn't feel any warmth which I used to feel before. There she was sitting on the bed with full bridal make - up and heavy jewelry. Her red lehnga was irritating me, her bangle's voice was not sweet and that red kumkum on her head was teasing me for my failure. She heard me coming inside and still she didn't bulge from her position.

"What are you doing on my bed. Get up at once." She looked at me in disbelief. Maybe she was expecting something else. She blinked her eyes twice to digest what she have heard but didn't move and that increased my anger. I rushed towards her and dragged her out of the bed. I was holding her hand tightly which made her cry or maybe this strange welcome made her emotional. Her emerald green eyes were still looking at me for answers. She has beautiful eyes. Wait! No! She is ugliest girl on this planet. I broke the eye contact and rested myself on the bed. She was still looking at me.

"Take this pillow and sleep wherever you want, on couch, on chair or even on ground I don't care. Just don't disturb me." I throw a pillow on her face and turned my back to her side but I can still hear her removing her bangles, those anklets, that neclace and..and that waistbelt. After sometime I heard closing of bathroom's door and I turned my eyes back. That jewellery which was complimenting her body sometime back was now lying on floor like worthless piece of stone. I again turned my back before she could return. I keep waiting for her but she didn't came out of bathroom and after waiting for a long time sleep engulf me into it's peaceful embrace.

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