Chapter Four

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 I impatiently waited for Harry to come home. The anticipation was killing me, I contemplated unblocking and calling Xavier just to know what was going on, I decided against that idea.
 I sat on Harry's couch watching the front door. When the door knob finally turned I felt my stomach turn with it. Harry walked in with a bruise on his left temple and a little scratch to go with it, other than that he seemed completely fine.

 "I thought you would have been asleep by the time I got back." Harry said as he made his way to his kitchen, I followed him.

"How did everything go?" I asked him. He shrugged. "My client and I discussed his case over a drink." He lied. "Really? Did your client also punch you in the face?" I scoffed.
 Harry closed his eyes and mouthed the word "shit" he probably forgot about his minor injury.
 "My friend let me know that you went and crashed their party looking for Xavier. I'm sure you managed to find Xavier and do god knows what. I only want to know why? Why go through all of that? Especially when you already hit him once tonight." I asked as I sat down at his kitchen counter and faced him. Harry took two gulps of his wine.
 "Because it's not right for him to just keep getting away with it." Harry went to his freezer and took out an ice pack and placed it on his temple.
 "Okay but why do you care so much? No offense but we're not really that close for you to go through all of that." I pointed out as Harry sat down across from me.

"I know that, it's not just about you... Growing up my sister always had abusive men in her life, I would see her all bruised up and bloody and just... broken. I just can't stand seeing others like that, I don't know.." Harry paused and sipped some more on his wine. "I'm sorry for beating up your scum of an ex boyfriend, I'll be sure to just leave you to deal with that alone next time." Harry bitterly said that last part.

"Don't take it the wrong way. I didn't mean it like that. I was worried for you when I found out you went to go see Xavier. I don't know what was going to happen, I was positive he wasn't going to be alone and he could have called the cops on you and press charges for assault, I didn't want you to get arrested." I told him. Harry stayed quiet and had another chug of his wine until his cup went empty and he served himself some more. "Do you want some?" He offered. I shook my head. "No thank you." I declined. He kept quiet.

"Can you at least tell me what happened when you went to find Xavier?" I asked. Harry sighed. "I left the house positive you weren't going to find out what I was planning on doing. I saw some drunk college kids walking around near the area of the dunkin' donuts we were in, I had assumed they were from your friend's party. I asked them where the party was and they told me. I went to your friend's apartment and just started asking for Xavier, no one wanted to tell me until I almost punched one of his bitch ass friends, he snitched and told me that he went to one of his friend's apartment for the night. I went there and there was two men there, one of them punched me, fighting with them both was exhausting. Turns out Xavier wasn't even there, he left minutes before to his dorm room. I asked one of them where his dorm room is threatening to stab him with the knife that I don't even have if they don't give up his address. So you can probably guess they gave me his address but they let him know in advance that I was going there because when I got there Xavier answered his door with a kitchen knife in his hand that I easily took away from him. He tried punching me but missed, I hit him pretty bad and just told him to stay away from you at all costs or I would find him again and make things worse next time. I didn't knock him unconscious this time. After all that I just came back home where it turns out your nosy friends told you the gist of it." Harry drank some more of his wine once he finished explaining his long story to me.

"I'm sorry about your sister." I said. "It's in the past it doesn't even matter anymore. I'm going to sleep." He harshly said. "Yeah sorry you must be exhausted. Good night." I awkwardly said as I quickly made my way upstairs. I closed the door just to be followed by a knock. I opened it.

"I need something to wear to sleep." Harry said as he came in and took out a few things from his drawers, he left without saying another word. I laid down on his bed. I kind of understood Harry but not really. I know his sister is a touchy subject for him, seeing someone you care for getting abused couldn't be easy. Maybe seeing me in a similar situation as his sister triggered some unpleasant memories for him. He didn't seem like the type to open up much though, I tried further bringing up his sister and he sort of just avoided talking about it. I was getting really curious about Harry. He had an upbeat personality for the most part, but he was still pretty mysterious in general and I don't understand how that could be. It's like he only let's you see the surface and that's it. I want to know more about Harry, but I just don't think that's realistic

I kept tossing and turning all night, with the little bit of sleep that I did get came with nightmares that I don't even remember. It's about 6 a.m when I decided to get up. I went downstairs, Harry was knocked out on the couch with an empty bottle of wine next to him. I went to his kitchen to get a water bottle when there was a knock at his door. I waited a few seconds hoping Harry would wake up but he didn't even move. I went over and opened the door to a pretty tall thin blonde with shoulder length hair.

"Who are you?!" She defensively asked me.

"I'm Luna... who are you?" I asked, maybe it was his sister? Wait no if it was his sister they would have grown up together, and she doesn't have an accent.

"I'm Harry's girlfriend, now what the fuck are you doing here?!" She yelled at me as she pushed me and let herself in. My heart dropped as I stared in shock. I didn't even know he had a girlfriend.

Author's note: If anyone is actually reading my story please let me know by either messaging me or just giving one of the parts a vote. I'll probably keep writing regardless if anyone is reading or not but it would still be nice to know :) also I apologize this part was a little on the short and boring side, I'll try and keep things more interesting next time, thank you to anyone who is reading. 

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