My Special Day

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My Special Day 

synopysis: "My Special Day - 29 Feb. two years ago was the day that marked when my mom came around to full acceptance of who I am and what was happening to me. It was an amazing, life changing day. This is my story of that day."

Exerpt from Ch. 2: ". . . Well, as luck would have it, at the same moment that I said that, my sister, who had heard everything that had or had not been said, walked in. As she walked past me, gave me a stern look.

F- My Life!

Ok, let me explain. Like I said, I had been talking to my sister about my intense desire to live as a girl, so she knew everything and knowing how serious I was, had given me an ultimatum for tonight. She had told me that if I didn't talk to mom tonight she would tell mom about how I had been stealing her underwear and taking photos of myself wearing them and posting the photos on tumblr. (No, dear reader, not my mom's underwear, ewww, no, my sister's cute undies.) She also told me she would show mom the photos and the naughty or downright disgusting comments that "dirty old men" had been leaving about them. She also had told me she would  cut off all my access to her clothes and makeup, as well.

So, when she looked at me with that face, I knew it was all about to come out and it would be so much better for me if I did it and not her. I had to say something, so I replied, "Well, mom. . . As a. . .um, as. . .I. . .its just. . ." Unable to get a coherent thought out, I paused to take a breath, calm my nerves, and allow my heart to slide back out of my throat and down where it belonged behind the bra and breast forms I was currently wearing. Sensing my sheer terrifying nervous discomfort, my sister. . . "


MapleCFreter:"This is a lovely story, and I think you did an magnificent job showing the point of view of a transgender. I'm sure a lot of girls like the one in your story struggle with telling their parents who they truly are, and you do a great job of expressing those feelings. . ."

kaitzishere:"That was a great story. As usual. It was refreshing and interesting. . .  It was very touching and sad. . . It was good. Loved it. I have no complaints!"

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