Addendum To Original 1st Draft - An Alt Ending

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Erica's parent looked at each other, both seemec visibally upset at her answer.

"No son of mine is going to be sash shaying around this house in skirts," his mom announced. "You can get those sissy, shameful, brainwashed ideas out of your head now. Get to your room and get out of that dress before I rip it off of you."

Erica was shocked to her this coming from her mom. She had never dreamed it would turn out like this. She wasnt sure if they would embrace her at first, but she had thought long and hard about this night for months before finally deciding to go through with it. She had been so sure they would be somewhat understanding even if it took them some time to warm up to the truth that their son was actually a girl

With tears streaming down her face, Erica stood, lifted the tail of her dress and hurried to her bedroom. She collapsed on to her bed and began to bawl, deep heaving sobs consumed her as so much emotion flowed forth.

She could hear, through the closed door, the muffled sounds of her parents speaking with loud, angry voices in the living room, although she couldn't make out what either of them were saying.

Eventually, from sheer exhaustion, Erica cried herself to sleep, still wearing the dress, hose, and makeup.

The following morning she was awakened by her dad gently shaking her and softly calling her name.

When she opened her eyes and saw him sitting on the edge of the bed she quickly sat up and began frantically apologizing for still being dressed as a girl.

"Dad, I'm sorry. I fell asleep. I'll get changed immediately. Please don't be mad at me." The fear could be felt in her voice.

Her dad reached over and placed his hand on her exposed, pantyhose encased knee. A tiny quick gasp escaped his lips.

He began to speak in a soothing tone, "Sweetheart, it's okay. Your mom doesn't understand this so she doesn't approve of it and is disgusted by it, but me . . ."

"And you're not," Erica asked cautiously.

"No, I'm not disgusted by it. I am, however, concerned, worried for you."

"What do you mean, dad?"

"Well, you're very pretty. Pretty enough for some guys to find attractive."

"Thanks dad, but what worries you?"

"Well, when I was a few years younger than you, I was well, like you I guess."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know I didn't grow up in a very good household."

"Yeah, you've told me how your dad was an abusive alcoholic that used to beat you guys for the smallest of things and sometimes lock y'all out of the house."

"That's true but it's not the whole story. When I was about eleven I began to realize it was just my brothers and me that got the worst of dad's rage. Sure, when he locked us out of the hoise, sometimes even overnight, it was all of us; me , Bradly, Michael, my sister Shannon and mom, but it was only ever me and my brothers that he ever hit. He would wail on us and yell at us to work harder, be a man. I used to cry myself to sleep thinking about how he would beat on ud and yell at us. Like I said I was about eleven when I began to realize how much better off my sister and mom was."

Feeling awkward and embarrassed, still dressed the way she was, Erica tried to get up off the bed so she could change, but her dad gripped her leg, not allowing her to as he continued to talk.

"Once I had come to this realization, I began to escape reality by imagining what life would have been like for me if I had been born a girl, a sister. Eventually these fantasies began to grow and when dad would drink I began to wish I was a girl so I wouldn't have to get hit. This continued until I was constantly consumed with the desire to be a girl. I started wondering what I would look like if I was a girl. Then I began to want to see what I would look like."

By now Erica was in shock. She couldn't believe what she was hearing from her dad.

" I began digging through the dirty clothes hamper in the bathroom whenever I was in there. I would pull out my sisters clothes and hold them up aginst myself and pose in front of the mirror. Before long I was going further and trying them on. The thrill of transforming into a girl for those brief moments became such a comfort for me and allowed me to escape reality.

"I began to do it more and more. I started stealing Shannon's clean undies out of her room so I could wear them under my briefs because it made me feel like a girl which equaled safe in my mind. I continued to do this until one day my sister and mom was gone to the store, dad was at work and I thought my brothers were at a friend's house. It was one of those rare moments I was home alone, so I was in the bathroom indulging my fantasy of being a girl, trying to forget the beating I had received the night before., when one of my older brothers friends came waltzing into the bathroom.

"I hadn't even heard anyone come into the house, but now here was this guy standing there looking at me in a dress and panties. He got an evil grin on his face and quickly closed the door behind himself. He grabbed me and did unspeakable things to me that day and threatened me to keep me quiet by telling me he would tell my dad about me wearing my sister's clothes if I even thought about telling on him.

"I was so scared of what my dad and even my brothers would do to me if they thought I was a sissy that I allowed the abuse by this guy to continue. Every time, he made me wear a dress while abusing me and he would tell me over and over how turned on it made him to see me in a dress. He convinced me it was my fault because, he said, it wouldn't be happening if I'd never been wearing a dress that first day.

"Eventually I became so convinced that this is all my life would ever be that I began to believe I would never be able to find love because no girl would ever want me and I was destined to live the rest of my life as nothing more than an emotionless source of release for some guy.

When I moved out on my own I was such a screwed up emotional wreck i began cross dressing and picking up random guys in a gay bar. I didn't enjoy being with guys, I just belived that's all I was worth. That is, until I met your mom. She says she knew the first time we met, she was going to marry me. It took a lot of persistence on her part before I was convinced that this girl really did love me for me. That's when I stopped cross dressing and letting myself be abused by guys.

"Sweetheart I worry about you and want to make sure you arent doing this for the wrong reasons. Your mom doesn't know about my cross dressing nor about the guys. Let's keep that between us."

"Do you still ever have the desire to crossdress?"

"No, although I do still hsve a thing for pantyhosr and I sneak a pair to wear even nowand again under my panys whenever I know I won't get caught by your mother. Your mom, she also doesn't understand why you or any guy would want to dress up like a girl. You aren't doing this because of someone else are you?

"No dad. Its nothing like that at all. The thing is, i think I'm supposed to be a girl. I have never been interested in girls, only found a desire to be with a guy. I used to think I was gay, but I couldn't ever imagine myself being with a guy, as a guy. Anytime I tried to imagine myself with a guy I could only stand it if I pictured myself as a girl. You know I've never had a girl or boyfriend. Being a boy I wasn't interested in either one and both actually repulses me. When I imagine myself as a girl with a guy, my body temperature rises and I get excited, it's hard to explain but I come alive. That's when I feel the happiest. That's what I want in life. I want to be a pretty, desirable girl, a submissive wife to a strong, protective, loving and caring sweetheart of a man. I wanna adopt and raise several little girls and a boy. I feel like i have lots of motherly love to share. I see a wonderful life ahead of me as a loving, nurturing mother and a beautiful, loving wife, but if I'm not able to live the rest of my life as a girl, I see nothing but loneliness, heartache and pain."

Dad wrapped his arms around Erica and pulled her into a warm embrace." I think I get it, sweetheart and I will do everything I can to help you achieve your desires. You can count me as your biggest supporter. "

" What about mom? "

" Just leave that to me."


Okay, you know what's coming.

Lay it on me. What are your thoughts about this ending?

How does it make you feel?

Would you have done it any differently? If so how?


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