Prom Night (the original 1st draft of Erica's Special Night)

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Erica's Special Night was the first story I published on Wattpad. I was fifteen when I started it. Originally I had posted it on another site, long before I ever discovered this amazing site. From then until now I have revised and rewritten passages of it, over and over. It became my baby and I nursed it until it grew into the story you just read.

Here's that original story.

Let me know what you think.


Prom Night

Eric sat at the picnic table on the back porch. He stared into the night sky thinking about life. The sky was clear. The stars sparkled against the black backdrop. The air was still and had a fresh clean taste. Eric was mezmorized by the peacefulness of the moment. He wished his life was so clear and calm. He wished he didn't feel dirty.

The back room lights were still on. Eric sat in the dark . He knew his parents were still up; probably watching the television waiting for him to get back.

He looked back at Susan's house; the lights were off. He regretted not accepting Susan's offer to go in with him. Susan's support and acceptance are what made the evening possible. Now he sat alone, wanting to avoid the confrontation,scared of the outcome.

Eric inhaled deeply. He knew it was time of reckoning. He stood up and straightened the pink prom gown he was wearing. He was proud of how pretty he looked. He thought about how he got screwed over in life. If he was born Erica then everything would be different. The night would have been a rite of passage that every girl went through. She would have gone shopping with her mother to get the perfect dress. Her father would have met her date at the door, giving him that stern fatherly look. The look that says if you hurt my little girl, I'm going to hurt you. Photos would have been taken by the fire place and at the foot of the steps. Mom would have been crying. Dad would have been anxious. If, if, if...

Eric took a step towards the back door, and then glanced back at Susan's house. He was hoping for a last second reprieve, but the governor was not calling.

He had prepared for this moment for months. Now he no longer thought what he was doing was a good idea. He made it through the prom but Susan was there for him, supporting him. And this was different. It was his parents he was going to be telling. These are the people who loved him. The word 'him' stuck in his thought. He repeated it over and over. It made him feel disgusted. He asked the questions he had been asking himself, since he could remember, why wasn't it, her? What is wrong with me?

Eric's head was held low, his strides were slow, he dreaded what he was about to do. With his hand held on the door knob, Eric had an empty feeling; what would he do if his parents kicked him out of the house? Where would he go? How would he live? He let go of the door handle. He had doubts about any positive outcome.

He thought about going over to Susan's house and changing into the black tuxedo he wore out of the house earlier that evening. But, it was too late for second thoughts. He had already attended the prom as Erica. Everybody in the school knew how he wore a pink gown to the prom. Soon every parent in town would know. He could not have his parents find out from a neighbor while shopping in a store or dad overhearing coworkers discussing it at work.

Eric took another deep breath. "Please God don't let anything bad happen." Eric stepped into the kitchen. He quietly shut the door. He took a few steps and stopped. He knew that his parents were going to be upset.

"Eric is that you?" he heard his mother call.

"Yes," Eric stood in the dark kitchen. His parents were sitting in the next room waiting for him. He straightened his dress, stalling. He saw the television show go to a commercial.

Erica's Special Night (Prom Changed Her Life) Where stories live. Discover now