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Laughter and chatter filled the dim room, the only light source was a weak, yellow-bulbed ceiling lamp, swaying from side to side.

The clinking of glasses, snorts from laughter; and the sound of teeth ripping through meat were all heard.

"Ki-Hoon-ssi, that brunette with the glasses was into you, man," a colleague said.

"What?" He stifled a laugh, "No way."

"Yeah," another colleague said, "All the customers seem to be head over heels for Hwan-Jae-ssi."

I look up from my glass of sake.

"What?" I snicker, "Not a chance."


Ki-Hoon paid for all of our drinks.

"Ah, Hwan-Jae-ssi," He says looking at me.

I twist my body around and face him, only slightly.


"You've had quite a lot to drink tonight," Ki-Hoon speaks, "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you off at home?"

I exhale softly before plastering a grin on my face, "Nah, I'll walk. The cold will help me sober up anyway."

He nods and starts up his car as I begin walking in the opposite direction.

It's cold.

I can see my breath everytime I breathe, it's calming, somehow.

There's not a lot of stars in the sky tonight, but the moon shines brighter than ever.

I walk up a slope, about to pass a bridge, I think.

I stop and stare.

A tall figure stands; hunched over the railing, smoking a cigarette.

They have a "glow," that I can't quite explain.

They drop the cigarette and crush it with their foot, as I slowly make my way up to the bridge.

The person grips onto the railing of the bridge tightly, I can see their arms shaking from the elbows.

They raise their knee up to the railing, and by now - I know what's happening.


Unconsciously, my feet start moving forward.

I have no emotional attachment to this person.

I don't even know who they are.

Yet, I'm running.

I can't stop running.

"Please don't-" escapes my lips as I wrap my arms around their waist.

I pull them back with the rush of adrenaline.

They sit upright and look at their palms.

They clench them and turn back to me.

I'm heaving heavy breaths, trying to collect my thoughts.


I cock my head to the side, squinting my eyes;

"Why would you jump?"

They look me up and down.

"Do I know you?"


The realisation hits me.

This person, I have never, ever met.

I saved them from killing themselves.

And I asked them why they would.

"A-ah, sorry... I just, I uhm-"

They turn to look at the railing.

"Ah, well..."

"If you saved me, I guess I owe you something."

They slowly get up and dust off their knees, offering me a hand.

The person is, undoubtedly a male.

He has messy, black hair - loosely covering his eyes, which are a dark umber. His height had to be around 5'7" maybe.

"I'm Martinez Eun-Hyuk," he says as I reach for his hand.

He pulls me up and straightens his back.

"Martinez?" I ask, he nods - explaining that his father is of American descent.

"Ah, I'm Choi Hwan-Jae," I explain, dusting myself off.


"Well, I don't remember what I was doing before this," Eun-Hyuk awkwardly laughs.

I shudder for a moment, is that even possible?

"You know a place I could stay?" He says, shoving his hands into the front pockets of his jeans.

As I remain silent, he turns to look at the sky, I can see his lips move as he counts all the visible stars.

"Erm- Well, I do owe you something, so I don't think I can decline really..." He turns to me as I say this.

"So I guess you can stay at my place until you find a place you can return to," I sigh, his eyes brighten.

"Really? Thanks!" His eyes are shut as he offers me a big, bright smile.

His teeth glisten beneath the moonlight, but somehow that's beautiful to me.

My heart thumps and I snap back to reality.

I clutch my chest slightly.

'Thump?' I think, 'Thump? For a guy? No way, that's...'

I shake off the feeling and motion my head forwards, "Let's go then." I say, walking forward.

Eun-Hyuk's still smiling as he trails me from behind.

Though, it's something I "owe," I don't feel a burden.

In fact, strangely enough, I'm excited.

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