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 I turn my head outside the window.

Eun-Hyuk's been here for a few days now.

But, the only problem is.

Whenever I go outside, nobody else can see him.

"Eun-Hyuk," I say, he looks at me.

"Ah, nothing, nevermind," I say.


"Hey, Hwan-Jae?" Eun-Hyuk says, breaking the silence.

I hum in response.

"Did you know today's Valentines Day?"

I cough and spit out my coffee.

"I-Is it?" I say, loosening my collar.

He nods.

"Do you have a girlfriend? A lover? Maybe even a friend with benef-"

I lean over the table and desperately cover his mouth.

"No, no and no." I sigh.

"Can you get me some chocolates then?"

"Ha-ah?" I exhale in disbelief.

He blushes immediately after, "N-not for the reason you think, I swear."

"It's my birthday today," Eun-Hyuk explains.


"February fourteenth?" I confirm.

"Yes," he responds.

I cock my head to the side.

"Do you have a lover, Eun-Hyuk?" I ask, out of pure curiosity.


Silence comes upon us before he murmurs; "I don't remember."

I softly touch his hands, "Don't force yourself if it hurts."

He smiles, "Okay."

I put on a coat and tell Eun-Hyuk to stay home.

"Why~?" He whines.

"I'm going shopping and then headed to work,"

But, that's a lie.

I'm lying.

Sort of.

I'm buying ingredients to make chocolates at Ki-Hoon's place.

It's his birthday, after all.

I can't give him nothing.

"Look after the house, okay?" I say, "Do not answer the door unless it's me." I say as I put on my shoes.

"Okay, okay~," He says playfully.

I close the door and breathe.


"So, you have a girl you like?" Ki-Hoon says, opening his front door.

"No, it's a friend's birthday. These are platonic chocolates." I say.

"Boring," Ki-Hoon groans as he lets me inside.

"I really appreciate you teaching me, Ki-Hoon-ssi," I say.

"I'm doing this for your friend, they won't forgive you if you give them shitty chocolates," he says, rubbing the base of his neck.

I narrow my eyebrows at him.

"I'm sure my friend thanks you," I say in a bland, monotone voice.


I open the apartment door.

It's late.

I see a sleeping Eun-Hyuk at the dinner table, with bandaged fingers.

And a plate of food with cling-wrap on it to keep it fresh.

I smile, softly and put the plate in the refrigerator.

I cover his torso with a blanket and leave the chocolates beside him.

I walk into my room and as I'm getting ready for bed, I spot the phone book on my side-table.

'Martinez is a pretty rare find in Korea. I'm sure if there's a 'Martinez' in here, it's probably his family.'

I scavenge the book until I find those words.

I fumble my phone from my pockets and dial the number.



It's a soft, feminine voice.

"Hi, is this the Martinez residence?" I ask, somehow, I'm nervous.

"Yes, um, who - may I ask - is calling?"

They sound polite.

Soft-spoken, formal, lady.

"Um, my name's Choi Hwan-Jae, this is about your son; Eun-Hyuk?"

It goes silent.

'Did she hang up?'

As I'm about to end the call, I hear sniffling.

"What, what kind of sick joke?"

"Ma'am?" I ask.

'Oh no, she's crying.'

'Why is she crying?'

"Eun-Hyuk is dead." The woman says, gasping for air between cries.


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