We can handle the heat

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"Wake up" Lindsay said shaking me "Heather what happened?" I asked sleepily. "Nothing it's just that Chris called for all campers to join him on the beach in ten minutes" she explained. I sat straight up at that and got out of bed grabbing my clothes and towel "Beth..." I started out of habit but then remembered she wasn't part of our alliance anymore. "I guess I'll start up the showers" I said sighing and walking over to the communal wash rooms with Heather and Lindsay following. I started up 3 showers with heathers help and we all got into our own showers when they were warm enough. I could already hear the groaning campers outside but I ignored them knowing that they couldn't get in so there was nothing they can do about it.

After we finished showering, getting dressed and doing our hair and makeup we headed down to the beach. "P...ew looks like someone needs a shower" Heather said to all the girls of our team and the bass team knowing they didn't have time today to have showers, they just glared at her and Gwen had to hold Leshawna back from hitting her.

"Today's challenge will test your mind, your teamwork and your skills in the kitchen. You will be cooking a three course meal and serving it to me for tasting the winners get a reward the losers will have to send somebody home. Each team will appoint a head chef to create the theme of the meal and oversee the cooking and to cook you'll need ingredients each morning a truck brings us food so your challenge starts there" Chris announced. We all walked over to the truck "seeing as my uncle is a chef and my mum is a really good cook I think I should take the head chef position" I said with Heather and Lindsay agreeing everyone didn't want to argue with us so they just nodded in agreement. "Try not to mess up this time" I said to Beth who was being pushed in her wheelchair by Leshawna. She shook nervously "just ignore her girl" I herd Leshawna say.
*me in confessional*
I had to take the leadership role one I know many good dishes and two where on a loosing steak and everyone on this team is useless expect for Heather and Lindsay

"Oh I know we could do an Indian theme" I said looking over the ingredients. Heather went and got a clipboard for me and I wrote down the ingredients I would need down "ok Owen potatoes, Leshawna small dairy products, Trent flour and spices, Gwen lemon juice and milk, Beth spinach and eggs, Lindsay dark cooking chocolate and condensed milk, Heather mangos and yogurt" I said ordering everyone.

"Ok Lindsay and Heather your on Carmel stuffed malpura with dark chocolate Mouse icecream" I said then Owen tripped over smashing the potatoes with him body weight "go back to the truck and get more potatoes" I said sternly "yes I'm on it" he said "Trent you and Owen are on guranga potatoes" I said. "Leshawna and Beth your on curd and spinach samosa with a side of butter narn bread" I said "Gwen your on mango lassi's" I said.

About five minutes later Owen came back with another sack of potatoes although he was covered in stings, Trent was busy making the sauce "heads up" Owen said chucking the sack at Trent's head resulting in a concussion

*me in confessional*
This is a disaster Owen has hornet stings, Trent has a concussion, Beth can barely move and half of them wouldn't know Indian food if it was right in front of them

I went to check on Leshawna and Beth. Beth was mixing up the samosa mixture and Leshawna was working on the pastry "Beth messing up again I told you 2 parts curd and 1 part spinach not 2 parts spinach and 1 part curd swap places with Leshawna" I screamed "what it looks fine to me and the girl can barley move give her a break" Leshawna said "I didn't get to be head chef because of poor cooking skills" I said "yeah" Heather said coming over to back me up and also ask for my help "no you got to be head chef because you know about cooking and who you fooling with this crispy white apron power trip you on" Leshawna said "i happens to be team captain right Heather" I asked "yes and I'm vice team captain so stop arguing and get your big but over there and be a team player" Heather yelled "oh I'm a team player all right but I'm allergic to spinach" Leshawna said "just get slicing your allergies are not my problem" I said walking off after Heather to see what's going on.

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