Camp Castaways

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There was no challenge last week so we all got time off. But, Chris visited the losers and they got to vote a person off they ended up voting off Leshawna. So now it's just me, Gwen, Duncan and Heather.
- The Next Morning -
It was raining buckets today. I was sitting outside on the cabin steps next to Gwen.
"Listen up campers, one of the most
  brutal challenges of any summer camp experience is the dreaded rainy day, where all activities and the remoted possibility of fun is canceled, in favor of the craft tent. The forecast for tomorrow, rain, rain and more rain followed by rain. See you all in the craft tent tomorrow at 0'700 hours." Chris explained through the loud speaker.
Heather was painting her toe nails and I was just brushing my hair
"frowning like a big baby won't bring Leshawna back you know it will just give you premature wrinkles" Heather said to Gwen "oops to late" she added making me crack up Gwen stomped her foot on the stairs nearly messing up heathers nails.
"Why don't you both just put us out of our misery and vote yourselves off" Gwen said angrily
"so nice to see you three getting along gives me the warm fuzzies" Duncan said
"In your dreams dud-can" I said crossing my arms.
"Man this stinks, even Heather and Tammy can't make this shitty situation worse." Duncan complained.
"Excuse me we can hear you" Heather said annoyed she walked off to get a snack
Gwen and I headed inside the different sides of the girls' cabin and slammed the doors I left my door unlocked for Heather. Duncan went into the guys' cabin and slammed the door also.
- The Next Morning -
I herd Duncan scream and I woke up, from my spot on the bottom bunk, falling into some water?! I let out a scream which woke Heather who also fell into the water "What the fuck?" She screamed waking up Gwen who also fell into the water
"Where did all this water come from?" Gwen questioned. I shrugged.
"Why don't you ask the leaches" Heather joked lifting up her arm to reveal serval leaches she screamed and shook them off.
"You know, this is so ridiculous, it's almost funny." Duncan commented. Right then a shark passed by us. The three of them literally jumped 10 feet into the air and swam to the cabin clinging to it scared.
"Get out of the water" Duncan called out
But I just went over to the sharks
"hey there big sharks" I said carmly they poked there heads out of the water
"Would you mind showing us to land?" I asked and the head shark pointed his fin to the direction the water was flowing
"Thank you" I said pushing the cabin in that direction.
It eventually hit the shore and directed onto land
*Gwen In Confessional*
"Ok Tammy might be annoying but she has guts even Duncan and I aren't that brave
*me in confessional*
"It was nothing I have loved Sharks since I was like 5 amazing animals they are"

"Ok is anyone a little creeped by this deserted island?" Gwen asked
"P-lease any goofball can see this is one of Chris's cheesy production sets with fake props" Heather said kicking a rock
"His sets aren't cheesy" I said
"Yo drama queens we've obviously just drifted up stream the producers will send a search party" Duncan said
*Chris in confessional*
"Just to set the record straight my sets aren't cheesy I lost three interns moving those rocks into place and about that search party nu-uh those campers are on their own"
*Duncan In confessional*
"Well well well stuck on an island with 3 hot chicks to bad they are all completely annoying"
*Gwen in confessional*
"So I though to myself they left me here to die"
*heather in confessional*
"Mental note never sign up for a reality show ever again"
*me in confessional*
"Seriously stuck on an island with heather I can handle stuck with Gwen and Duncan no fricken way"

Duncan layed down near a rock.
"Let's just chill until the rescue team arrives." Duncan suggested
"What if there is no rescue team because the producers think we're dead I say we build a raft and try and sail back to camp" Gwen said
"Good call get even more lost" Duncan said
"We need to build a raft" Gwen argued
"We need to stay put" Duncan argued
"build a raft" Gwen yelled
"stay put" Duncan yelled
"Duh where not lost this is just Chris's lame attempt to test our shipwrecked survival skills I'm on to you Chris" Heather said
*Chris in confessional*
"Ooh im so scared" he said sarcastically
"I agree with heather this is probably a challenge" I said then we all argued a bit more.

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