Your off the chain

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The next morning I was sitting with Heather, Lindsay and Sadie trying to figure out how to deal with the guys alliance that Duncan formed "crush them one by one" Heather said
"Yeah but how" I said
"Cheating" heather said
"next challenge awaits you at the arts and crafts center." Chris said through the loud speaker. We all made our way there. All of us stood next to each other but girls stood with girls and guys with guys.
"Welcome to the arts and crafts center." Chris introduced.
"More like the arts and crap center." Duncan retorted.
"Yeah... it used to be an outhouse, now it's where Chef parks his road dog." Chris explained, kicking down the door to show us Chef motorcycle.
The guys were gawking over it. Typical.
"It's a machine get over it" I Scar
"If that was a horse and carriage you would be all of it" Duncan said
"So what horses and carriages are nice" I said

"Okay enough this brings us to your challenge, building your own wheels" Chris explained.
"You'll find all the parts you need in the bike depot. Once you've collected the basics, jerk em out any way you want using props from the arts and crafts center." Chris explained.
I already had ideas
"Best design wins. And, proving I'm a nice guy, I'm even throwing in a bike manual." Chris said, tossing Heather a dusty manual. She dropped it because it was gross.
I looked over the parts rusty metals flat tires nothing that would help my idea. Gwen, and Leshawna went to go in the arts and crafts center when Heather stopped them.
"Oh uh, uh. We're going in first. You'll just have to wait your turn." Heather sneered. I nodded in agreement. Right at that moment a pigeon pooped on Heather's head. Heather started running and screaming. Lindsay and Sadie ran after her to help I kept my distance.
I actually found a couple of quad bikes one that was sparkling new obviously Chris's and the other older which was Chefs. I took the older one and built upon it with Sadie's help
"Glitter, Gems" I said

"Campers, time to judge your bikes. Put your petal to the metal and meet me and the craft center." Chris instructed through the loud speaker after an hour.
Just in time I had finished my bike. I pushed my bike over to arts and crafts center for judging. Chris went over to my bike after judging Lindsay and Heather.
"woah" he said when seeing the bike

(pictured its rarity's with no back seat)"this is my beautiful swan quad bike complete with a comfy seat and extendable wings" I explained "I didn't say what type of bike so I'll allow it" he said "Hey where's Gwen and Leshawna?" Chris asked, afte...

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(pictured its rarity's with no back seat)
"this is my beautiful swan quad bike complete with a comfy seat and extendable wings" I explained
"I didn't say what type of bike so I'll allow it" he said
"Hey where's Gwen and Leshawna?" Chris asked, after judging everyone's bikes. No one replied.
"Oh well, their loss cause this is where it gets good. We're gonna race these babies!" Chris explained.
"Good because my bikes built for speed" Heather said
"And mine too" I added
"Yeah unfortunately you won't be riding them, girls. You'll be switching bikes. Yeah, cruel twist huh?" Chris asked rhetorically as we all stared at him in surprise and shock.
"Alrighty than, see you at the beach." Chris said, walking away. We all then made our way to the beach.
"Ok, here's how it works. Everyone picks a name out of the helmet to see who's bike you're riding. If your bike makes it across the finish line than you get to ride it in the final round for invincibility." Chris explained. I picked a name out of the helmet. I got DJ's bike it was mediocre at best.
Lindsay got Heathers bike and Sadie got mine "look I got your bike" Lindsay said to heather "and I got yours" Sadie said to me
"Great if you cross the finish line on our bikes we get to ride for invincibility so if it looks like your loosing press the red button" Heather said
"Ok racers, on your marks, get set, and GOOO!" Chris said as we all went off.
I crashed the bike after five minutes and Chris helped me back up "hehe I'm not very good at riding bikes" I said.
While everyone was busy attending to the others he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek "no problem your still amazing" he said

A few minutes later the first race was over
"Yes! We have 4 awesome wipeouts by Heather, Geoff, Tammy and DJ. 4 invincibility race winners. Heather's Speed Machine, Lindsey's Sunset Sally, Tammy's Swan, and Duncan's Lethal Weapon." Chris announced. Heather came speeding in.
"How do I stop this thing?" Heather yelled zooming around on Duncan's bike.
"Slam the hood ornament!" Duncan instructed. Heather slammed it, sending her flying off the bike right into Chef. I went to help her up and Duncan laughed at her.
"Awesome finish, Heather. Time to head over to the TDI motor cross." Chris instructed as we all headed over. DJ, Geoff and Sadie sat at the top ledge kinda part as Duncan, Lindsey Heather and I were at the bottom getting ready to race.
"Campers, welcome to the motor cross challenge. Using your own bikes, you'll race the course avoiding hidden pin falls. There's dodging land mines, maneuvering through the oil slick and finally, jumping the piranhas!" Chris explained the course.
"Oh, and one more thing, first two to cross wins invincibility. Last one to cross gets voted off the island. No bonfire, do not pass go, do not collect a marshmallow." Chris informed.
"Is this the part where you help stop my butt from being voted off?" Lindsay asked
"No not yet we have to win this challenge too so get your A game on" Heather said
"We can do this the alliance with survivor another day" I Scar excitedly
"Ready, set, go!" Chris said. The race began. One of the land mines blew up but missed us. Duncan managed to dodge through all of them but wiped out at the oil slick. Lindsey cleared a path through the oil slick with the broom thingy that was hanging at the end of her bike. Heather was trailing right behind Lindsey and me behind her. Then I over took both of them and put out my swan wings which worked as a shield from the Pirhanas.
I got in first and Heather second with Lindsay in third
"And we have our winners. Tammy and Heather!" Chris announced. I hugged Heather and Lindsey started cheering.
"Yay you won! You did it, we're safe!" Lindsey exclaimed.
"That's not exactly true. Tammy and Heather are safe because their bike crossed the line first and second but since Duncan wiped out and didn't complete the race, it technically didn't cross the line at all which makes you the last one to cross the line, which means its dock of shame time baby." Chris explained.
"Ok, I'm really confused." Lindsey said.
"It means that we can't save you unless one of us gives you our invincibility. But we can't do that. Too risky. You understand." Heather retorted and started walking away.
I stood there shocked I didn't know who too choose at first but I was closer to Heather and she was was smarter so I walked after her. Lindsey grabbed our wrists.
"But I won! I even built your bike Heather." Lindsey pointed out. Heather snatched her wrist back and let out a sarcastic laugh.
"I don't know what she's talking about." Heather said innocently.
"Sorry Lindsay heathers right I can't help you" I told her
"You should just leave with your dignity and tact. It'll make you look much more cuter in the instant replays." Heather spat.
"But we were going to the final 4 together." Lindsey whined.
"Guess we're not." Heather said nonchalantly as I looked away a single tear ran down my cheek
""Aren't you even sad? We're BFFs!" Lindsey said.
"Yeah, for the contest. I mean it's not like we're gonna be best friends for life or anything not like me and Tammy." Heather sneered. Lindsey gasped.
"I can't believe you just said that! But we pinky swore! You mean, I've been helping you all this time and you didn't even like me?" Lindsey asked, coming to conclusion.
"Not really, no." Heather said in honesty. "I liked you a little but it's been about the game mostly" I lied Lindsey gasped.
"What? We're not here to make friends, we're here to become celebrities remember?" Heather asked, harshly.
"Yeah she's right" I said coldy
"Ooh that's cold." Duncan said.
Heather looked over at them and I scoffed.
"Oh like your such a team player. All you do is go around scaring the crap out of everyone" I retorted.
"At least I'm straight with people." Duncan argued. Heather rolled her eyes.
"Whatever. we have invincibility. No one can touch us." Heather said, starting to walk away from the scene with me following behind.
"You both really are mean and all that bad stuff people say about you both is true like how your two faces lying little backstabbing no good selfish heartless pushy bossy bullying bitchy girls I always told them they were wrong I stood up for you both because I though we were BFF's but you really are two faced lying little backstabbing no good selfish heartless pushy bossy bullying bitchy girls and guess what I don't want to be bffs anymore I'd rather spend the day staring at Owens but than shopping with you and ps Heather your shoes are tacky" Lindsay yelled making Heather gasp and everyone else laugh even Sadie who wasn't very happy with us.
"Oh go jump in the piranha pool!" Heather tried to defend herself.
"please even the Pirhanas have more brains then her" I said laughing and we walked away.

We went back to our cabin and decided to talk strategy "so Lindsay is gone and Sadie hates us what now" I ask "now we crush everyone else" Heather said smiling deviously and I nodded next challenge we're bringing the pain

Authors note: sorry for the long wait let me know of any spelling errors

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