The final chapter REALLY!!

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Chris was sitting on a log at the camp area "Hello welcome back since you've been gone we've had the finalists recorder there thoughts in the confessional"

*Heather in confessional*
"I have had a terrible time here it was 8 weeks of hell, Tammy was the only good sane person here"

*Gwen in confessional*
"What was it like being here for 8 weeks? It stank!"

*Chef In confessional*
"You think it's easy cooking for 23 ungrateful teenagers man I've had better jobs in prison, slaving over a hot stove for nothing and the complaints less rat droppings does this look like a 5 star restaurant to you" Chef said angrily

*Heather in confessional*
"The food was awful"

*Gwen in confessional*
"The food was disgusting"

*heather in confessional*
"The people were a bunch of stupid lasy untalented unpopular losers I did make one friend in Tammy and Courtney but everyone else can go swim in the shark infested water" she says while putting on lipstick

*Gwen in confessional*
"The people here stank they were nothing but a bunch of backstabbing manipulative two timing fame hungry dim witted certifiably insane really weird psychotic redneck overbearing goody goody know it all party obsessed jerks" she said crossing her arms and blowing her hair out of here face "I was lucky enough to meet 5 people who were actually sane they were Owen, Dj, Leshawna, Cody and Bridgette"

*heather in confessional*
"The one thing I will be remembered for is definitely my great strategies that or my beauty"

*Gwen In confessional*
"The one thing I will be remembered for? I hope my great personality ok were done here" Gwen puts her hand over the lens

Heather and Gwen stood near some bleachers with Chris "now it's time to welcome back the 21 campers that did not make it to the finals" Chris announced and I walked into the area with the others "would the peanut gallery please sit on the site representing who you would like to cheer on" Chris said I saw two signs one with there faces on them I sat on the Heather bleacher the only other one siting with me was Courtney

*Tammy in confessional*
"Gwen is going down! How do I know earlier I snuck to her part of the cabin and let a cupcake for her it's so easy to tamper with baked goods fast acting for reliable relief" I said showing a laxative chocolate bar "oh also Courtney and I are pals now I had a talk with her and we apologized to each other and I found out she's a pleasant person to be around" I said smiling

"Heather Gwen now is your chance to tell the peanut gallery for failure what you will do with the money if you win and why you deserve it" Chris told them

"I'm pretty proud for getting this far maybe if I can survive here the rest of high school won't be so bad" Gwen said making Izzy laugh "i guess is go traveling and then to university to study art history" Gwen told us making Leshawna cheer for her.

"That's really sweet boring but sweet, Heather" Chris said and Heather smiled "well I'm thinking of a spin of series staring myself and of course some shopping and because I'm feeling generous I'm going to use some of the money to have a huge party and everyone's invited including Chris and Chef" Heather said a lot of people changed to heathers side after she announced this only Leshawna Trent Eva and Cody stayed on Gwen's side
"Heather woohoo Heather" I cheered I also stuck my tongue out at Gwen

"Ok it's time for the challenge the rejected Olympic relay race each of the three parts was pitched to the committee but sadly rejected as an Olympic sport, first each of you has to put on one of these" Chris said handing Heather a cow hat and Gwen a chicken hat "I think it's clear why this event wasn't accepted" Gwen said "no kidding" Heather said "dressed as a cow and a chicken you must shimy up a poll to retrieve your flag if you don't have the flag darn bother coming off the poll, next you will cross a 300 meter balance beam suspended over a deep gorge while carrying an eagle egg below you will be the rare but real fresh water man eating sharks, the last leg of the race is a run first player to the finish line wins" Chris told them.

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