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"Your friend keeps staring at my leg," Felix told Noora as they began walking to their next class.

"Everyone stares at your leg," she told him, and it wasn't really a surprise to Felix.

"Yeah, but she openly stares at it at lunch. Has she never seen a cripple before?"

"You're in Norway. The chances of freezing to death are larger than the chances that you'll see someone without a leg walking on a high school campus," she told him. "Which friend?"

"The blonde one. Vilde, I think."

"Yeah. She'll get over it soon."

"She stares a lot."

"Does it make your uncomfortable?"

"It's a little annoying, but I'm not uncomfortable," he told her, bidding Noora goodbye before entering his classroom. He took the seat closest to the door, which happened to be next to Jonas.

"Good morning," Jonas greeted, putting his phone away when the classroom began to fill.

"Morning," Felix said.

"How'd you like the party on Friday?"

Felix shrugged. "It was okay."

"Not up to your American standards?" Jonas teased, earning himself a questionable brow from Felix. "I heard about your wild foursomes in the states."

Felix rolled his eyes. "It was one time, and not even that wild."

"Was it two girls and another dude?"

"Nope," Felix said, just as the teacher pulled up the lesson on the projector. He couldn't help but grin when he saw Jonas' jaw drop.


"What?" He finally asked the five girls in front of him. Ever since Sana say down at the table with him, the girls had silently decided to eat lunch with Felix. But today was weird, even for them. They were all staring, and not at his leg. "You've been quiet since you sat down, which is very unusual."

Eva and Noora exchanged a look before clearing their throats, while Vilde just continued to stare.

Sana was the one to break the silence. "Fine, I'll do it," she said, turning to Felix. "There's rumors going around that you made three girls climax at once."

Of course. Why didn't he think of that?

"Okay," Felix simply said, going back to his sandwich.

The girls exchanged looks before starting at a surprisingly calm Felix.


"Aren't you going to say anything?" Chris asked, widening her eyes when Felix shook his head.

"No. Why would I do that?"

Chris opened her mouth to answer, but quickly shut it when she realized she had no rebuttal.

"Is it true?" Vilde asked, a little too eagerly.

"Maybe," Felix answered vaguely, hiding his amusement as he took a bite of his sandwich.

"You know, you're pretty fucking smart for not confirming it. All you'd need is the medical degree and age forty years and you'd be a carbon copy of House," Sana said.

Felix rolled his eyes at her. "I'm not a cynic. And at least House still has his leg."

Before anyone could say anything, a girl came to their table and tapped Felix's shoulder. He turned around and saw a girl that he didn't recognize standing there, her friends a few feet away. "Hi."

"Hey," Felix greeted, raising a quizzical brow at her.

"So, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out sometime," she said. "I'm Sarah, by the way."

Felix looked to Sarah's friends, and they all made themselves look busy when they got caught staring. He sighed as looked back at Sarah. "You up for bowling?"

"Uh," Sarah stuttered, momentarily flicking her eyes to Felix's stump, and he knew that he'd caught her.

"Look, I'm sure that you're a nice girl, but you're only here because of the rumor. So, I'm going to do the two of us a favor and politely decline," he said, turning back to his food.

The five girls at the table watched with wide eyes, and they felt bad when they saw the girl, whom they recognized to be a first year, blush red from embarrassment and flee.

"Did you have to be so mean to her?" Vilde asked, scolding Felix. "Poor thing was so embarrassed."

"Don't make me look like the bad guy," he said. "I said no and I had every right to say no because I wasn't interested and I knew that she was here because of the rumor. It's so fucking stupid that guys are automatically deemed assholes when they reject girls just because they aren't interested, and at the same time, you girls make us seem like pricks and say we get a boner everytime we see a woman with two legs walk by. It's such a fucking double standard."

Vilde clenched her jaw and stood up, grabbing her lunch and bag and waking away, Chris immediately running after her.

Sana let out a low whistle after the two of them left. "Okay, I see your point with the right to reject the girl, but you might need to cool down. Vilde has had bad experience with a bunch of assholes."

Felix shrugged at her as he reached for his water bottle. "I'm merely expressing my opinion. How is it my fault that she slept with a bunch of guys that weren't interested in her?"

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