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Felix opened the door to find Vilde on the other side.

"Do you have to be such a dick?"

He raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Do you have to be such a dick? You embarrassed that girl yesterday, and what you said after she left to me was bullshit."

"How did you find my house?"

"It's in the school directory. Stop avoiding the question."

"Okay, one I'm not a dick. I didn't do anything to you. Two, if you didn't like what I said, well, it's your problem. I was saying the truth. Guys shouldn't be shamed for being assholes if their not interested in someone. It's complete bullshit."

"What, so you think you're above everyone else for saying no to a girl and making her cry? Huh, is that it?" She asked.

"She didn't cry. Stop making things up," he said. "Why the fuck am I the bad guy for saying no? I don't want to go out with her. I'm not interested. I don't have to say yes to every girl that comes up to me. If women are so he'll bent on fighting for their rights, then they can take a hit when they get rejected. It's fucking stupid that you're here fighting me on this when the number of guys who get rejected by girls is way more than the number row girls that get rejected by guys."

Vilde stood there, brows furrowed as she stared into Felix's eyes.

After a moment of silence, Felix spoke. "Are you done here?"

Instead of answering, Vilde took a step forward and pressed her lips to Felix's, and it took him a second to step away and separate himself from Vilde. "What the fuck? What are you doing?"

"When was the last time you kissed a girl?" Vilde asked, staring at him with a serious expression on her face.

"That's none of your damn business," he spat, closing the door in her face. He turned around and crutches back to the living room, practically falling onto the couch. He wasn't in the mood to watch the movie he had on, so he turned it off at threw the remote at the wall.

Stupid girls.

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