chapter 6

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"Selena..?.. How could you do this once again to me?!"

Selena's face started to get red when she finally realized who she'd slept with.
Jamie opened his eyes and saw Audrey and went to get up but realized a girl was on his arm.
It was Selena. He freaked out to the point he was knocking everything in his room over just to get away from her. He knocked over his stand again, along with his school books and his neon light. He soon started to scream at her.

"How could you do this to me Selena!?!"

"Me?? Jamie we we're both drunk. How could we possibly have noticed it was each other. Audrey I'm really sorry for doing this."

Audrey stop there with Jamie in her arms so he would calm down. She smiled when Jamie said he was sorry and wouldn't do it again.

"In my defense Jamie said a different name and I said a different name at the each same time."

Audrey couldn't help but laugh at the fact that they had said two totally different names when they had sex. She knew he was in love with someone but she couldn't figure  out who. Jamie always made her think twice about everything but when it came to do anything for him, she did it in a split second. It was like second nature for her to do whatever he wanted.

Audrey had thought about them being together but she knew it would never happen. There were way to many chances they'd have to take which never mix well with any situation. She looked around the room to find something to take her attention off of his head being in her lap. His room had grey paint on the walls with a bright neon blue strip across each wall to make it seem bigger than it actually was. He always had everything perfectly set in place, he had a slight OCD when it came to his room.

She couldn't take her mind off of Jamie, cause he put his hand on her leg. He squeeze it gently hearing a moan slip from her mouth. She had a shocked expression on her face, while covering her mouth.

He couldn't help but giggle at her. Jamie finally tells Selena to leave and she leaves without another word.

Jamie wants to kiss Audrey so badly but hesitates to do so.
Audrey wants to kiss him but she hesitates and goes really awkward by asking how his day was.

"My day couldn't get any worse honestly."

Jamie sneezes and Audrey laughs at him.

"I think someone is getting sick..."

"I'm not getting sick and if I am, you're getting sick with me.."

Audrey and Jamie talk about everything. The conversation went from puppies to rainbows to scientific research. But the last topic put a holt on them talking when Audrey asked a certain question.
Authors note: CLIFF HANGER!!! I love you all for reading this!! thank you so much for the support on this booming book!! sorry it's a really short chapter. The next one will be pretty long with all the detail.

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