Chapter 1

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* Molly's POV *

"Come on honey, we have to pick up ruby before we go to the airport" mum said while getting in the car.

"Coming" I yelled

Well i should probably tell you abit about myself before this whole story comes along.

Well my names Molly and im 16 years old and live in Canada and love to sing, i make vines and have about 200,000 followers.

Yeah some people say its a lot but i hope to one day be like Nash Grier and have 5 million followers.

This year me and my best friend Ruby are going to Magcon, i hope to meet Shawn Mendes his voice is like an angel and hes extremley cute. So anyway i shall let you carry on with the story.

Me and Ruby finally made it to the airport and said goodbye to my mum and waited until we had to board the plane.

"So you excited to meet Shawn." Ruby said nudging me in the shoulder.

"Haha yeah i guess. Im really scared that if i perform he will just laugh." I said in disbelief.

"Why would he laugh? Everyone loves it when you sings!"


"Yes! You're amazing and don't let anyone tell your not!"

"Ruby i love you so much."

"I love you too."

"Flight 246 to Washington D.C ready for boarding."

We made our way to the front of the line, gave the blonde flight attendant our boarding pass and off we went to the plane were we found out seats , which was row 12.

I choose the window seat while Ruby sat in the middle.

We were just really hoping no fat guy came and sat next to each other.

After a 4 hour flight which i slept the whole way we finally reached D.C.

We found a cab and eventually got to the hotel were everyone was staying.

We were too tired to do anything and we didn't have to really meet up with anyone till tomorrow so Ruby and I were going to just unpack and relax.

"Wow this place is amazing." I said as we walked into our room that would be our home for the next week.

We walked into the room to see two double beds waiting for us.

Ruby and I looked at each other and dropped our bags and suddenly ran towards the bed and jumped on them until we had no energy left.

"Oh my god i wonder if Nash and the others are just down the hall? Said Ruby.

"Well don't go being all stalkerish and freak them out, i actually want to be friends with them."

"Haha fine."

With that sorted out i walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

By the time i was ready and in bed it was 11 o'clock.

I decided to go to sleep knowing tomorrow was going to be a big day.

Just Another Love Story ~ Shawn Mendes ~Where stories live. Discover now