Chapter 20

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"We're going two days after Holidays started and we're staying there until the end of break." Hazel informed her friend. "Merci." (Thank you) Jasmine nodded at Peter. "You coming?" She asked, laying onto the tree stump and readying her book so she could read later. "I'm coming. Mom lets me. She said I could only come once." Peter told his friends who all broke out cheering and smiling.

Jasmine grinned at her friend before continuing to read. Remus imitated her as well and soon, both were so into their books they were oblivious to the conversation that was brewing. "They're so alike." Hazel commented, leaning her head onto Sirius' shoulder. Sirius wrapped an arm around her instinctively. Lily nodded in agreement, her book left untouched. Peter took the chance to shove more treacle tarts down his throat. James rolled his eyes when he saw but didn't comment. He pulled closer to Lily for warmth, copying Sirius' and Hazel's position. Lily gave him a sideway glance and rubbed her hands together, creating friction to warm herself, smiling at the slightest. Both couples and Peter sat in silence as they watched their friends, Remus Lupin and Jasmine Cooper read in silence. Jasmine's posture was stiffened and her eyes were wide as if reading about an intense scene. She would gasp aloud sometimes and mutter "no". Remus' body was relaxed and a soft smile lingered on his face. His hazel orbs danced with fear as his expression changed to one of horror.

Remus and Jasmine went on reading for hours while Peter ate nearly all the food, Hazel dozed off, Sirius watching over her fondly, James shivering in coldness and Lily studying the constellations in the sky, trying to identify them. At last, the silence was unbearable. And Sirius had just the sentence- or should I say, question, to break the silence.

By asking a snide question.

"Hey hey, Moony! When are you kissing her?" He asked, snapping his fingers in front of his friend's face. Remus' head jerked upwards and Remus heard a soft crack. A warm feeling covered his neck and he groaned as it started hurting. He rubbed the place where he had injured his neck lightly. "Ow." He grumbled. Jasmine looked up to see Remus rubbing the back of his neck, his eyebrows knitted into a frown. "Are you ok, Rem?" She asked, glaring at Sirius, James and Peter who were smothering down their laughter at her worried and horror-stricken face.

"Ugh. No, I'm not ok, thanks for asking." Remus groaned as his fingers' pressure on his neck hardened. Jasmine glowered at Sirius slightly before bookmarking her page and prodded Remus' neck gently. Remus hissed in pain softly as her fingertips landed on his neck. "He didn't snap it did he?" Peter asked quietly. "Of course he didn't. If he did, he won't be alive." James replied airily. "James Potter!" Jasmine glared at him, huffing in annoyance. James merely smirked and Sirius started making kissy faces. Peter raised an eyebrow and Lily muttered "So immature." very audibly.

Time Skip to before Christmas Holidays, On the Express becuz I can't think of what the heck to write

"So, what's going to happen when we go to Prongs' house?" Peter asked. Jasmine and Hazel shrugged but Lily, Remus, Sirius and James all got into a silent fight of who to speak. At last, James said, "You'll find out two days later, Wormtail." James teased his friend. "But Prongssss, you KNOW I'm not patient!" Peter whined, dragging out James' nickname. Sirius rolled his eyes and smirked. "Prongs is right." He informed Peter, "Sorry, Pete. I'm siding with them." Lily and Remus said. "Same." Hazel and Jasmine said at the same time. Peter looked protesting but didn't say anything.

Have another time skip until the Express reaches the platform

Laughing along with her friends, Jasmine, Remus, Hazel, Sirius, Peter, James and Lily strode off the train, dragging their trunks behind them. When Hazel strained at her baggage, Sirius helped her with it. "Jasmine!" A voice called out as they heard another voice call for James and Sirius.

"Mom! Dad!" Jasmine grinned awkwardly at her parents and felt someone push past her. She stumbled and Remus caught her. "Thanks, Rem." she muttered, scarlet in the face. She shook her hair out of her eyes to look at the person again. It was Regalus Black, "Hope your fluffy bunny escapes your claws, Lupin!" He sniggered. "Stupid brother." Sirius grumbled and Remus never looked more agitated. James and Sirius hugged a man and a woman when they reached them. The man introduced himself as Fleamont Potter while the woman clearly stated herself as Euphemia Potter. "I'm Toby Cooper and this is my wife Amelia and oh-!" Jasmine's father broke off as he spotted Hazel.

"Are you? Are you Hazel Watson? Jas owled us. Said she met an old friend. Wow, look at how much you've changed!" Amelia said from behind, smiling. Hazel gave a nod and allowed herself to be embraced by her, smiling. Jasmine grinned broadly, "Mom, please don't tell me you stopped reading when I told you I reunited with Hazel. I wrote that after we pranked three certain someones." Jasmine said, wringing her hands. James scowled, "I'm still not forgiving you three for that." He said. Sirius nodded and Peter agreed. "It's four against three." Remus pointed out. The other three Marauders sighed and Peter gave Remus a half-hearted and playful glare which Remus shrugged off with an innocent smile. Peter looked at Fleamont and Euphemia. "Mr Potter, Mom told me to go to your place today until the holiday ends." He squeaked. Fleamont smiled, "Of course, Peter." He told him, "And you can all call me by my first name, really." He said.

"Thanks but I think I'll stick to 'Mr Potter'." Jasmine said automatically. 6 more adults came to join them. "Mom! Where's dad?" Hazel said excitedly as she spotted a woman. Cheryl Watson gave everyone an award-winning smile. "Your dad's back at the house, dear. And hello, Jasmine, Amelia and Toby. Long time no see. West sends his greetings." She said, still smiling cheerily. Hazel and Sirius exchanged nervous looks. "Well, um.. Mom, I have something to tell you." Hazel began, Sirius squeezed her hand encouragingly before letting go. Hope and Lyall Lupin crossed the stations and Hope hugged Remus. "Mom, stop suffocating me." Remus said, smiling. "Hurry up Lily! And quit hanging out with those freaks!" A shrill voice shrieked. Lily rolled her eyes at that. "That's my sister Petunia for you. Always droning on and on about her boyfriend Vernon Dursely. I'm glad James is inviting me over or I'd die from boredom." Lily said sarcastically. "You're welcome, Lils." James said, smiling politely at Mr and Mrs Evans who gave each teenager a fleeting hug.

"Sirius and I are dating." Hazel said suddenly. Cheryl dropped the handle of Hazel's trunk suddenly and Sirius moved closer to Hazel protectively. The friends watched on in amusement to the reactions but their smiles were soon wiped off.

He just had to interrupt this, didn't he?

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