Chapter 35

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Peter's POV:


I was walking back to my seat along the wall when suddenly he rammed into me. I was going to give him a piece of my mind when he gagged me and pinned my arms to my body. He hauled me to a room that I thought only my friends and I knew about.

The Room of Requirement.

"In here." His gruff voice growled, shoving me into the room. Instantly, the Room transformed. The boring, empty room changed into a living room. I know it's hard to believe, but apparently, they wanted me to feel like I was invited to talk to him instead of being bound and hauled to the Room.

The platinum blond of his hair was unmistakeable as he turned to face me. A confident smirk was plastered across his face as he looked at me triumphantly. He ungagged me after he pushed me into a chair.

"Pettigrew." He said, amusement in his tone. "Lucius Malfoy." I snarled, I tried to lunge at him but unfortunately for me, I don't use my wand when I need to. Malfoy waved his wand and I was frozen to the spot on the chair.

"Sit." The 7th year invited. I struggled angrily against the spell even though I knew it was useless. Malfoy wanted to torture me and I knew that. He wanted to make fun of me but he also had to do whatever he was here to do.

"I would love to torture you, of course, Pettigrew." He drawled as if reading my mind, which, even the thought made my blood boil. "But my master forbade me to do so." He said disgustedly. "Which, by all means, get to the main topic already." I snapped, baring my teeth.

"Very well," Malfoy said in that amused tone again. I really wanted to tear him to shreds at that point. "Your friend, Hazel Watson, has just been captured by my girlfriend's sister and if you want her back sane, alive and unscathed, somebody from your clique of friends will have to join the Dark Lord's side."

I gaped at the boy. But why!?!! "He wouldn't dare." I whispered. Malfoy chuckled. "Oh yes he would. He already killed two Muggle families and one wizarding family this week. The whole family was wiped out!"

I looked at Malfoy. How crazy was he, to join the side of such evil?! I thought of my friends. I thought of Sirius. He would be heart broken if Hazel died. But my friend's would never join the Dark Lord's side. The seven of us would never betray each other. Why did it have to end up like this?

I couldn't do it. But what if there really wasn't a way to do this? I glared at Lucius. "We would never, in a hundred years, betray each other, no matter what it takes." I spat. "Oh, I wouldn't be so sure of that, Pettigrew. The Dark Lord is really persuasive. The stronger the wizard, the greater his weakness is. Think about our offer. The offer stands for three weeks. If you fail to give us an answer by the time three weeks are up, the girl dies." He sneered.

End of flashback

"Wormtail. Wormtail. PETER!!" James snapped his fingers in front of me as I jerked my head up quickly.

"Wha- What?" I asked, dazed. "What is it!?!!" I asked, worried.

"You spaced out," Lily said matter-of-factly.

"Thanks for stating the obvious." I sighed. "Seriously, what?"

"It's time for lesson." Sirius replied with a gloomy voice. Everyone turned to look at him.

Third Person POV:

Jasmine checked the clock. "He's right. Let's go." She said, slinging her book bag onto her shoulder. She pulled up beside Lily as the four boys walked behind the girls in pairs.

The six filed out of the Great Hall with the four houses still staring at them. I mean, since when have they left the Great Hall during the first fifteen minutes? They usually leave during the last second!

-Timeskip to two weeks later-

Peter walked along the edge of the Black Lake, his mind full of impossible thoughts.

He knew that Hazel's kidnap was somehow related to Cassandra Woodwork. He knew that Hazel was kidnapped by Death Eaters. But so what?

It had been two weeks since Hazel was kidnapped. Two weeks since Peter had been offered the chance to sacrifice for Hazel.

He didn't tell any of his friends. No. He told no one. Peter knows he's figured it out.

It can't be Sirius who's going over. As willing as he probably is, Hazel would absolutely forbid him to and will probably get herself killed if she tried to fight the Dark side to get Sirius back, which will completely jeopardise everything. It wouldn't be Jasmine or Remus because the Dark Lord absolutely despises werewolves and half-bloods. Lily wouldn't be accepted either, because of their blood-prejudiced mindsets. It won't be James because he loves Lily far too much to side with someone who hates muggle-borns. But Peter, doesn't have much to hold him back. He never thought he was useful anyways. He knew he was always lagging behind. He always thought himself as a burden (even if he's not, in other's opinions)

He could do it. Even if his friends will hate him for it.

The offer still stands for another week, but Peter doesn't want to take chances. It's the matter of life and death.

He's made up his mind and no one is going to stop him.

He's going over to the Dark side whether his friends like it or not.

To sacrifice such a weakling like him is nothing compared to saving Hazel.

He knew his friend's reasons.

"You're not a weakling, Peter. Please don't think like that. Don't do it!"

"Don't be stupid, Pete. There are other ways. We could get Dumbledore."

"Listen to Lily, get Dumbledore! It's much safer!"

"It's dangerous, Wormtail. You have nothing to prove that you've agreed to this. If they don't give Hazel back as they promised..."

"No! I'll go! I'm more appropriate and plus, I'm the one to blame anyways."

He heard their reactions but he had to shut them out. It was something he had predicted long ago.

A flash of platinum blonde flashed past. Lucius Malfoy stood opposite Peter at the other side of the Black Lake.

Peter drew in a deep breath. It was finally time for him to do something spectacular for his friends.

He always knew staying single was a good thing.

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