chapter 7-beating "them"

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They hold a bucket of water over our heads. By them I mean Kyle, Brendon and all their friends. It never surprised me that their friends they're both pricks. I push Crystal out of the way as they pour the water on me. "Omg ace!" Crystal yells out. "Chrissie it's alright, and my name's actually Jaston." I tell her. "What?" She asks not very shocked tho. "Yes Jaston Ace Westnote, that's my real name." I reassure her. "Hey fag no one needs someone like you, you're a fucking freak kill yourself!" I hear people in the crowd say. "Thanks I'll remember that in the future." I say and wink to them. The bus then comes rolling to a stop in front of us in the street. The doors swing open I trudge over to it then stop. I remember what I'm wearing and run home. "Ac-Jaston" I hear Crystal call out. "Hey don't worry I'll be there just have to do something." I yell back to her. "Get on you little whore!" I hear them say to her and push her on the bus. I take a deep breath and stop running and start walking. I get to my house and my mum was still there. "Hey mum, why aren't you at work yet?" I ask her a bit of confusion in my voice. I notice she's not dressed nor even close to being ready to go to any kind of job. "O uhhh hey Ace.... I was actually planning on telling you after school but I guess now will work." She says kinda nervous. "I got laid off of my job. My therapist says that this last month has taken a toll on me, you know, baby, the whole moving and your dad leaving." She says with a strain in her voice. "O mum why didn't you tell me earlier.." I try to continue on but my body wouldn't let me I just plopped down on the couch and put my face in my hands. "Hey, honey, why are you covered in water?" She asked cautiously. "O it's nothing don't worry about it." I reassure her. "Okay I just want you to kno-" "MUM I FOUND SOMEONE I LOVE AND WHO LOVES ME" I cut her off and to tell her. She's a little thrown back "Are you sure?" She asks. "Yes quite sure." I reply back. "Well okay then, I trust you." she tells me.

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