6| Valentine's day

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Dean's POV

Today is the 14th of February and that, of course, means that it is Valentine's day.

But, unlike previous years, i didn't go out and to a bar. This time I stayed home because i'm exhausted from our latest hunt.

That's why i decided to relax for the day by watching television and eating some candy hearts, that Sam brought from the store.

"Hello, Dean." I suddenly hear Castiel say from behind me as he pops into the room.

"Shit, Cas." I curse loudly and put my right hand on my heart. "You scared the hell out of me."

"That wasn't my intention, I apologize." Castiel states and takes a seat next to me.

"Yeah, yeah, just try to make some noise next time." I complain and put a candy heart into my mouth.

For a while, we don't say a thing and watch some Games of Thrones.

"What is that?" Castiel asks as i drop another candy heart into my mouth.

"Oh, this is a candy heart." I reply and show him one. "A lot of people like to eat them on Valentine's day."

"You know, in the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentine would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one whole week. That's where the term "wearing your heart on your sleeve" originates." Castiel finishes with a serious look.

"Fascinating, Cas." I pop the candy into my mouth and gesture to the box. "You want some?"

Castiel nods slowly and takes one out of the box. "Hmm, it tastes like molecules."

I get confused by his weird comment, but decide to ignore it since it's Cas we're talking about. "Well, that's nice, i guess."

"Are that letters labeled on each side?" He questions and looks at the one in my hand.

"Yup, every heart has a different message printed on it." I explain and show him the heart labeled with 'You Rock'.

He grabs the heart and examines it from close by. "You rock, what is that suppose to mean?"

"It's just another way of saying you're really great." I answer and pick a couple of hearts out of the box.

"Why don't they just print that onto the heart?" Castiel inquires, looking deep in thought.

"Cause there isn't much room for long sentences." I explain with a shrug.

I pick one of the candy hearts in my hand up. "Like this one for example, instead of printing come and give me a hug on the heart, they simply write hug me."

"So, if someone wants someone else to hug them, they eat this heart and get a hug from the other person?" Castiel questions and slightly tilts his head.

"Yes, something like that. But it doesn't always have to be an action writing on the hearts." I inform him and put the candy heart back by the rest.

I see his confused face and start to explain. "There are also messages, where you can simple let someone know that you find them cute, sexy or whatever is written on it."

"I understand." Castiel gives a nod of understanding, chooses a heart labeled with 'Awesome' and eats it.

"Thanks, Cas." I smile happily and pick another one without looking at what's written on it.

Castiel is looking focused at me as i put the heart on the center of my tongue.

He smiles mischievously at me, starts to lean closer and into my personal space.

"Cas, personal spa—." I get cut off by Castiel, who ducks his head and kisses me.

I subconsciously shut my eyes and start to move my lips. He gently holds my head in his hands and deepens the kiss.

I slightly part my lips and he takes his chance by slipping his tongue into my mouth and exploring it.

While we're kissing, i wonder why we hadn't done this sooner because i'm really enjoying this kiss.

After i run my hands through his dark-brown hair, he suddenly stops and pulls away from me.

I gasp for air and gaze at him with widened eyes as he stands up and dusts off his clothes.

"Well, i'm going to help Sam." Castiel announces and straight up leaves the room, leaving me behind.

I frown and look at the door in pure confusion. "What the hell."

Then i remember what Cas and i were just talking about and come to the conclusion, that the heart i'd put into my mouth, was probably labeled with 'Kiss Me'.

I instantly look at the box. "I seriously only needed candy hearts to get a kiss from him." I shake my head, laugh and pop another heart in my mouth.

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You people don't know how amazed i'm. Usually it takes me about a week and a half to finish a freaking story. But i wrote this in two days. Two days.

As always, i hope you liked it and happy Valentine's Day.

- WavyBrown2

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