43| The angel from across the room

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Looking for:

Blue - Boys
Pink - Girls
Green - Both
Purple - Anyone
Black - No one
Yellow - Friends
Brown - Dance/Drink Buddy
Pink - Food/Booze

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Dean couldn't keep his eyes off him.

He knew he couldn't, even if he tried. The whole night, ever since the stranger made an appearance, he had been subtly eyeing the man if he was close enough to the table he was at with friends.

It was hard not to notice him in the club.

The man stuck out like a sore thumb between the people with his weird outfit consisting of a suit and a trench-coat.

And, Dean, he just truly found him gorgeous with his dark-brown hair that glowed in the multi-colored lights, his chiseled jawline and chapped lips. But the thing that lured him in, were his captivating eyes that had the sky trapped inside of them. He was mesmerized.

He had never seen such a beautiful shade of blue.

His looks weren't the only thing that drew him in. It was also the way he interacted with other people.

The man smiled kindly at the bartender after getting his drink, laughed wholeheartedly with presumably his friends, and he hadn't made one inappropriate move since Dean has started to watch at him.

He seemed like an actual nice dude, much to Dean's surprise.

Men and women who were as gorgeous as the blue-eyed man weren't usually so kindhearted from his experience. Those kind of people were normally arrogant assholes, who were too proud for their own good.

That was why he found the man so refreshing.

Eventually, his friends caught onto his spying after calling his name five times before he even reacted. Once they saw where his eyes were drawn to, they laughed at Dean's red face and playfully teased him for having a little crush on the bar's accountant.

His friends encouraged him to approach the man and he told them that he wanted to, but there was only one thing keeping him back.

He wasn't wearing a wristband. And, man, it frustrated the hell out of Dean.

Once his friends left the table to dance, leaving only him and Charlie behind, she decided to continue on the subject.

"Why don't you just man up—" Charlie did an imitation of his deep voice. "—and go over there to introduce yourself?"

"One," He held his finger up, "I don't sound like that. And B, it's not as easy as you make it sound like."

"I make it sound easy." She scoffed, her eyes rolling. "I've seen you do it a million times so what makes this different?"

"I don't know," He bit his lower lip, nervously eyeing the man out of the corner of his eyes. "It's just different." Dean finished lamely.

"See," The bookworm pointed out. "You can't even come up with a good reason."

"I know plenty of reasons." Dean stated before he narrowed his eyes at her. "Besides, why aren't you on the dance floor?"

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