46| Changing Colors Pt. 2

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After meeting his runaway soulmate, Dean couldn't concentrate in class. At all.

He couldn't stay still. It was difficult for him with all the new colors in his surroundings. They were a constant reminder that his very own soulmate ran away from him.

He ran away from me.

Dean felt down as he thought about what he could've done that had made him run away before he even had the chance to talk to him.

Maybe, he did something wrong. Maybe he was just confused, panicked and ran away. Maybe he didn't like what he saw. Maybe the idea of a guy as his soulmate never crossed his mind.

Maybe. Maybe. Maybe.

Dean could only wonder but that won't get him far.

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When he had Art, Dean had managed to get himself a bit more composed.

Since their teacher Miss Lilith didn't feel like teaching, she gave them an assignment for the hour. They had to draw something that caught their eye today.

It was no surprise that as he drew, sketching circles and waves, coloring the paper, he ended up with a familiar pair of eyes.

Soft blue eyes.

His eyes were blue which he had found out after looking the color up online.

For the reminder of his class, he chose to search and study color charts on his phone, memorizing as he went on.

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The bell went, signaling that they had a break.

As Dean packed his backpack, he noticed that Sam stood by the door, waiting for him.

When he met him in the doorway, Dean's lips pulled into a deep frown as Sam nervously told him that he wanted to tell him something important.

"By the way," Sam began as they walked side by side on the pavement in the schoolyard. "Why did you run away from me?"

"Oh that, i needed to get my books from my locker so i wouldn't be late for English." Dean lied, not wanting Sam to worry about him.

"Oh, really?" He chuckled, amused. "Usually you wouldn't care about being late."

Dean shrugged nonchalantly.

"Well, i guess i wanna try my best at this school or is that a crime, Sam?" Dean looked up with raised eyebrows, hoping he wouldn't see the sweat forming on his forehead.

"No complaining from me." He stated, holding his hands up. "Just shocked you're showing any interest in school."

"Leave it." He grumbled under his breath.

"Okay." He stated, unconvinced but luckily he didn't mention Dean's strange behavior.

"So," Dean began after a moment of silence, taking a seat on the picnic table. "What do you wanna talk about?"

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