Thirty Four

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They spent the rest of the night binge watching 'Put It In My Mouth'. Anna thought it was bizarre to watch him perform. He seemed so young. The Noah she knew, although he wasn't much older in numbers was so much more mature. Much more handsome too. "This is some fucked up shit Mr Grossman. But my god is it entertaining. I never thought about what you did before we met. It's so strange". " In a bad way?" Noah asked. "No not at all, I just think of you more as a writer, not an actor. And this is neither of them". " Do you want to see some of the things I've written for SMOSH?" He asked. "Maybe later it's not always good to dwell on the past. Let's go for a walk?" She replied.

They walked the length of Nicolas beach holding hands. The night was dark and warm. "You sure you don't miss it?" Anna asked "I mean, you looked so happy on screen and you were pretty famous, it must have been hard to give that all up?". Noah sighed "Honestly, I did at first. But now its like it happened to someone else. I want to write and I want to make films. I know that's where my future lies and I'm so happy with that. How I achieve that is the hard part. What about you? What do you really want to do after university?. "If my Mum has her way I'll be here. Normally in Greek families the son would take over the family business, but seen as though there's only Daniel and I, that's not going to happen is it? So before I met you ,I thought I'd finish university and come back here, learn the business from Dimitri, paint on the side, eventually marry a Greek man and have some hairy Greek babies! But now...I just don't know" she shrugged her shoulders and smiled. Noah laughed at the prospect "But now you've met a skinny american guy who doesn't know what's going on in his life, has no future as yet but loves you more than anything in the world?". Anna looked at him and grinned "Yep, and I love him too. All the way to the moon and back" she answered. Noah's heart swelled at the words, he pulled her in for a kiss "Marry me Anna?". "You what?" She stammered. "I'm serious. Not now, but let's come back here when we have our future set out and get married. I love you so much and I don't give a fuck how long its been. I feel like I've known you for a thousand years. I've never felt like this before. Being with you has made my life complete. I know I've said it before but there really is no one else for me but you and I know you feel the same. So promise me we will?". Anna put her hands to his face, even in moonlight his green eyes shone. "I'm in" she answered "Now try and catch me?".

Anna ran to the sea throwing off her clothes as she went "Come swimming with me Mr Grossman!". Noah watched her run, his heart racing from the conversation. She was phenomenal and he really wanted to make her his wife.


The Girl In The Cafe. A Noah Grossman Story. Part 1. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now