Highlights METHOD 2

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Brew a pot of chamomile tea. Use either dried chamomile flowers or 3 to 4 teabags to brew a very strong pot of tea. Allow it to cool once it has brewed.


Rinse your hair with the tea. Stand over the sink and pour the tea over your hair if you'd like to lighten your hair all over. Alternatively, apply the chamomile tea to the strands of your hair you wish to highlight.


Sit in the sun to let it react with the tea. Allow the sun to dry the tea in your hair for about 30 minutes. As your hair dries, it will begin to lighten.


Wash and condition your hair. Rinse the tea from your hair and then wash and condition it with moisturizing products. When your hair is dry, you'll see the highlights.


Repeat the process. If you want to achieve a lighter color, use a chamomile treatment once a week.


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