what's a soulmate?

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Yuri plisetsky, age 15, Russian, loves all types of cats.

(( I'm gonna try POV's for a bit and if I can't do it very well then it's gonna be in third person ))

[ Yuri POV ]

Nothing new, nothing out of the ordinary. Just another boring damn day, my parents are being all lovey at the breakfast table which makes me groan in annoyance and I hear them slightly laugh. I have something to get off my chest and ask them but they're being annoying so maybe I wont, "Yurio, what's wrong?", I hear my papa's voice ask me and I look up just to see nothing but grey and white, I sigh and nod my head, "Yeah... what's a soulmate?", I ask then immediately put my attention on the table In anxiousness. I've developed my papas anxiety and my dad's thick Russian accent, although we are both Russian. "Well-", Viktor begins, "Its like a best friend, but more. like, they're the one person in your life you trust with everything and tell everything, the person you just know you're meant for and like, there's something about them that just pulls you twoards them and you just love them so much you don't want to ever let them go, you get butterflies in your stomach, your head feels dizzy, and your heart beats really fast. then, when you make eye contact with someone and see colors, thats when you know they're your soulmate, most people dont actually love their soulmates which is really sad but it's always good to at least give them a chance even if you don't know them when you meet them.", Viktor smiled his usual happy smile which made me few a little bit better sometimes but most of the time it irritated me how he's always happy like 24/7 just because he's with that little katsudon piggy known as my papa or Yuuri Katsuki, I roll my eyes inside my head but just nod on the outside. I go to my room to go play with my cat and watch TV since I'm really bored and I don't even have any friends besides my own relatives, well, that's a lie. I have one friend, her name is Mila and she's sorta like me, we both like the same gender, she likes girls and I like guys, that's one of the many things that attracted us to be best friends is because every lesbian needs a gay best friend. at least that's what she says anyways, I call her grandma a lot because she's like an old lady even though she's only a few years older than me and when I think about it I always sort of chuckle because I find it funny.

What's a soulmate? ~ OtaYuriWhere stories live. Discover now