His Final Battle- Part 3

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*whisper* start playing the music at the top when you get to "Damn"

The pentagram started glowing.


"To late to turn back now, you must pay for your sins, to the young master... and to my mother."

His body burning up into ashes and falling back onto the pentagram, finally it all disappears. Sebastian when and stood where his father's final resting place was.

"Damn, that was one hell of a fight Sebastian."

Claude said standing at the door.

"Well, now it's over and I'm going home."

"But what about Hell? Who will stay here and rule over it?"

"You can for all I care... there I nothing for me here. I'm going home to the one I love."

Claude whispers to him self.



Sebastian walks in to Ciel's office. He walks up to Ciel.

"Hey, that took a long time did he put up a fi-"

Sebastian kissed him, Ciel was shocked at first and then fell into it and let it happen, he missed his butler.

"From now till the end of time I will be with you and only you. I will never leave your side again. Promise me the same..."


"Promise me Ciel."

"I promise."

Sebastian kissed Ciel.


4 years later

"Daddy, can I have a cookie?"

"Not until Daddy Sebby comes out with dinner."

"Dinner won't be ready for another hour, let the boy have a cookie sweet heart, you used to be the same way."

"Ugh, fine Daniel but you only get one."

"YAY! Thank you"

The child runs through the garden, Ciel starts to read his book and cuddle back up to Sebastian. Sebastian kisses the top of his head.

"This is truly Hell on Earth."


*Satan's House*

Claude is casual making a sandwich when he hears a crash.

"Uh-ho-ho dad I thought you were dead."

"Ha, me? Never." 


I loved writing this, but as they say all good things must come to an end. Maybe, I'll write something like this again someday. It was nice entertaining you all <3 much love my loves. Farewell.

*no pun intended

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