His Kisses

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After that day, Ciel had started to act strange. He wouldn't look Sebastian in the eyes when they interacted. The clever butler knew why he was acting this way, although Ciel would never admit it, he had feelings for his butler. Sebastian was curious to see if he could get it out of him, so he went searching for his master. Ciel was sitting out in the garden, next to he's deceased mother's favorite flowers.

" Is there something wrong with the young master today?"

Ceil felt a blush start to creep on his cheeks, he turned away quickly.

"No.  What makes you say such a thing?"

Sebastian smirked.

"Then look at me when I'm talking to you."

Ceil slowly turned around, revealing his blushing face.

"T-there, hap-"

Sebastian kisses him, more passionately than before.  Ceil was utterly shocked, he didn't know how to react, all he could do was kiss back, he started to feel... strange.  Sebastian sensed the sudden change in body heat and responded the way he thought was best.  His hand slowly started to reach for Ciel's shorts.

"W-what are you doing?!"

He unzipped them revealing Ciel's boner.  Ciel's blush grew deeper as Sebastian's un gloved hand rubbed it.

"You-, I'm gonna-"

"No yet bocchan, just a little longer."

Sebastian said as he started to tease his nipples.  The young boy couldn't take it.  Sebastian rubbed faster and faster, the pre-cum acting as a lubricant, making it harder for Ciel to hold it all in. Suddenly, the butler stopped.  Ciel already being at his point was confused.

"Ah, why did you stop?"

"Just needed a proper break is all"

Sebastian goes back in but this time with his mouth.

"Seb- as- tian, I'm gonna cum!"

"Mm, not yet"

He teases his nipples again.

Ciel couldn't hold back any longer.  Arching his back, he released in his butler's mouth.


Sebastian swallows the sticky fluid. (Cause spitters are quitters, soz)

"Master I told you to wait"

"Well I'm sorry for being normal!"

*1 hour later*

"Why is my butler so irresistible?"

Ciel said to himself as he marched back and forth in his study.

"Bocchan, it's time for dinner"

Blushing hard Ciel marched out the door.

I hope he didn't hear me.

He thought to himself, but Sebastian did hear, and had something very special planned in mind.

To be continued...

Done, that was... um, interesting.  Aisha say nothing of this at school or I will spam you with I Need U lyrics. Hope you guys enjoyed.  Bye loves.

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