Chapter 4

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Damen’s POV

I cradled Giselle’s body closely, so as to keep her warm. She was out cold, alright. Her body cannot handle much presence of alcohol, she passed out. Humans are so fragile; sometimes one move can do severe damage.

My mate is strong, and for that, I’m thankful. She managed to drink almost thirty glasses of alcohol and not pass out like much I’ve seen. That means, she can withstand that much in her body.

Her friend, on the other hand, was nowhere to be seen. I was already hesitating whether to bring her with me, or to find her and give her to her. But, seeming that she can’t be found right now and I can’t possibly leave her here, I picked up Giselle in bridal style and walked out of the bar.

Once out of the bar, I ran off with my vampire speed and stopped right in front of the nearest hotel. I checked in, using my credit card to pay. I ordered a luxurious room for the night and took the keys to the room. The room I got was on the fifty-third floor so I needed to use the elevator.

As I stepped in, an elderly couple followed.

“My, my. Your wife fell asleep?” The woman asked, gaping at Giselle who still was in my arms.

“Oh . . . yeah. Apparently, she got into a bit of fun and hit her head.”

“Goodness, make sure she wakes up with a good breakfast. Her head’s going to get a bit of pain.” She advised.

I smiled at her thankfully as the elevator rang and they stepped out.

Reaching the floor of my destination, I carried Giselle to the room and laid her gently on the bed. She was sleeping peacefully so I tried handling her as gently as possible.

I placed her head on the pillow and put the blankets over her to keep her warm. Hearing her sigh in content, I tucked a strand of her black hair out of her face. Her red streaks seemed to compliment the raven black color of her hair. She was pale white, but not that deathly pale to make seem like a part of the living dead.

Now that she was sleeping peacefully, I took the time admiring her features. Her eyes were shut tight, preventing me from seeing her lovely, dark brown eyes. Any normal humans would have thought of her eyes as black, but when you look closely, it actually is a shade of very dark brown. Her jaws had a smooth curve, complimenting her small chin. Her lips were pale pink, slightly swollen. I also took notice of the cute button nose she had.

She stirred slightly, moaning as she twisted around and clutched the sheet tightly around her. She turned away from me, so I can’t help but chuckle. Although, the slightest sound that she made got me . . . let’s say a bit turned on.

So as to prevent myself from taking her, I crawled out of bed and switched off the lights. I don’t want her thinking anything perverted so I slumped down the couch and took off my shirt. Being a vampire has its perks. I can maintain my body temperature no matter how hot or cold it is.

I won’t fall into a death sleep if I close my eyes, no. Although, I will get a bit hungry when I wake up, so I will have to be careful around Elle before I eat.

Mystery guy POV

 I was at club Moonlight to get away from the entire she-wolfs that are clawing at me—they keep telling me they are my mates! The counsel is hounding me to find my mate. Entering the club I sniffed the air and caught a strange scent. It alerted to me that a vampire was in this club. And it isn’t just any vampire; I can sense the amount of power radiating off from the scent. Not just the average vampire at all.

But under the vampires scent, I caught the most amazing smell in the world. Roses mixed with chocolate, coconuts and water lilies. 

Growling lowly, I turned around to follow the scent. Finding who it belonged to; I examined the girl with mysterious white hair and black and red highlights. She was in the middle of the dance floor, moving her body in coordination with the beat of the music. She was absolutely flexible, her moves were graceful. The feeling of protectiveness swarmed me as I continued to watch her dance.

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