August 15

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      That morning I woke up and talked about Jake to Sabrina while I was at school, I was stalking him on my phone looking at his pictures. There were a couple of him with one of my Cheer-mates, her name was Holland. She has long blonde hair and blue eyes, she's gorgeous! Sabrina was telling me about how they are talking and I shouldn't get my hopes up. At 9:00  I see that he followed me back, then saw I have a new Direct Message, I go to check it.
Jake messaged me and said "Is this the same Annalise?"
I smirked and thought to myself how do you get my name wrong when my username is right above his screen. Trying to think of the right thing to say I end up being my socially awkward self and going with " It is! ". I knew ahead of time that he probably didn't remember much from last night because he was high.
" nice I didn't know in the moment I was too gone lol " he replied to me

Trying to keep the conversation going I reply with "you're hilarious when you're high!"

Jake replies with " I feel like I'm just so clueless of like what's going on"

Trying to think of something to say I think to myself ugh... I wish he wasn't a stoner, it's fine he's super nice and attractive! Just keep talking to him he can still be a cool friend! Finally replying with " you are sometimes but it's okay because it's super funny!"

He then asked me " Do you ever smoke or anything? Like I know it was a school night last night" 

Trying to play it off as I smoke I say " I've smoked like 6 times but I do drink"

He said " oh nice, I'm like the opposite I still drink but I like smoking more. Were you guys drinking last night?"

I was upset that that was his preference but still replied " No we weren't we were going to, but met up with Megan and just chilled" Thinking to myself Good job keeping this conversation interesting... he's sure going to leave me on read soon.

" Megan was real into Jimmy wasn't she" is how he replied. I smirked, happy at the fact that he wanted to keep this conversation going.

My mind filled with things to say, finally. I replied fast with " Yea she was! Sabrina wasn't too happy about it, and I'm stuck in the middle of this love triangle"

A few minutes later my phone buzzed he said " I don't even understand it but when you guys left Jimmy didn't stop talking about it, does Sabrina like him too?"

Our conversation finally got interesting! I was happy that we both had a lot to say and sent " Okay, so she is starting to have a crush on him but she isn't too sure yet, and all Megan wants to do is fuck. What was Jimmy saying?"

I wasn't even surprised when he was saying how she sent him half- naked shower pictures, apparently Jimmy was a little confused on why Megan was doing that. I told him how that's just how she is.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2017 ⏰

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