Chapter 9 Ultimate power

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Here's chapter 9 everyone, hope you enjoy.

Mikoto: so who's appearing in this chapter.

Me: Let's see who's extremely Smart, very strong and has all of Ben's power?

Ben: is it Karen? I thought she was on our side, oh wait is it you know who?

Me: Bingo, didn't want to add in a character whose too over powered. That's for the latest of chapters.

Mikoto and Ben: biggest for late? Makes sense.

Me: well it's that time.

Everyone: on with the show.

In Academy city a figure with white hair and a red jacket was looking down from a roof top. "Where are you?" He asked as he surveyed the city from above like a hawk.

All of a sudden a green blur which was really Ben flew across his view. "There you are, the time for my revenge is now Tennyson" he said menacingly.

Kuroko was at the judgement office with Uiharu. They were working on a case regarding another individual with powers similar to Ben. They thought it may've been Karen again but she was with them the entire time. And during that time there were more sightings of Ben's transformations.

"Do you have a lead yet Uiharu?" The teleporter asked. The flower girl shook her head, "sorry nothing yet" she said looking at her monitor.

This was starting to infuriate them, first was Dr. Psycobos turning Touma into a alien monster thing. And right after he tries to make a mind control serum from Misaki's DNA.

Thank god they detained the alien crab before he released it. Later on in the day Ben arrived to ask about their case. "Just a little question, did you happen to see a dude around the areas who had white hair?" He asked.

"Not sure, think it's another one of your bad guys?" Kuroko asked. "Hi sensei" Karen greeted, Ben waved. "Well yeah, if Dr. Animo, Dr. Psycobos managed to get here, there'll be no doubt that others would've" he stated.

Later that night when Ben walked with Kuroko to their apartment, they heard a strange sound and a red flash nearby. "Did you hear that?" Kuroko asked.

All of a sudden a large wolf like humanoid with red eyes jumped out and attacked Kuroko. "Ahhhh!!? What is this thing? I thought werewolves were myths" she said teleporting away.

"A lot of strange things exist Kuroko" Ben said turning into Omni and punches it with Humungosaur's hand. The wolf monster then opens its muzzle like a flower and blasts them both with a sonic howl.

"Okay no I'm mad" Ben said as he used Elasti-whack's powers (ester's species) to grab the wolf thing and send it flying. "And just as an extra measure" he turns his head into Blitzwolfer's and makes it fly further away.

Satisfied with bringing down a bad dog, Ben walks over to Kuroko concerned. "So are you okay Kuroko?" He asks, she looks over herself and nods, "yeah I'm fine, what was that thing though?" She asked.

"Reminded me of Blitzwolfer" he said as he picked her up and flew them towards Tokidawa. When they got back Mikoto, who had been waiting there for a while, saw the attack on the web.

"What happened to you two out there?" She asked. "A werewolf?" Ben said nervously. "I know I saw the attack" she said playing the video on her laptop.

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