Chapter 54- Don't know nothing "The physic"

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  Bella backed away slowly as her eyes followed her. "Bella, what are you doing?" Zendaya asked.

"You need to stop whatever you're doing. You're not my friend. I know who you are and you need to go back to he'll" Bella said.

Zendaya smirked and began sharpening her knife.

"Oh Bells. We all know I'm not going anywhere."she said. Bella gazed at the army behind her and got even more scared.

"Zendaya, listen to me. I know this isn't you and I understand what's going on" Bella said.

  After those words were said, she snapped back into herself. Everyone behind her that were used as the army snapped back into themselves. They often looked confused and demanded for answers to their questions.

Of course I couldn't answer them, I had no clue how they got like that and Zendayas possessed, she probably won't remember what happens. Those people ran off to find help or someone that can tell them what happened to them. Me and Zendaya just stared at eachother.

I then walked away from her and headed down to my room. I pulled out my phone and a phone book to call a local physic. The priest couldn't help me. Maybe I could beware of the things Zendaya does if I know what She's going to do next.

I dialed the number quickly and waited patiently for an answer.

"Hello, mother Sona " I said as soon as I heard rustling in the background.

"Hello, would you like you schedule an appointment " she asked

"Yes ma'am. Are you busy now?" I asked

"no, you can come on down now" she


"OK" I said just about to hang up.

"Be sure to bring an item of hers, it makes this situation a whole lot easier" she said then hung up.

  What? How did she know I was coming to talk to her about Zendaya? Oh wait.....I almost forgot, this woman is physic. Articles and books say She's never wrong on what she picks up so I'm excited to see what she has for me. Second thought, I'm more scared then excited. I grabbed the necklace that has a crucifix on it that belonged to Zendaya.

  I grabbed my purse and prepared to leave.

I looked all around for Zendaya but I couldn't find her. She disappeared that quick, wow!

I made sure our door was closed and headed to the stairs. While going down the steps ALONE, I felt some pull my hair back. I turned around and there was no behind me. This wasn't some little tug, it was a pull that almost knocked me to the ground.

I hurried down the steps eagered to get off the stairs. I was just about to walk off campus when I noticed that there was an old lady blocking my way. She had long grey hair that was braided into 2 French braids. She had on a old Shaw with holes in it and an Indian styled dress. My mind was wrapped around paranormal and ghosts so I assumed she was non living. I opened the door and she smiled. She hardly had any teeth to expose.

"Hello Bella" she said. My attention drew towards the old bag that hung from her frail arm.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"My named Mother Sona, I came as soon as possible" she said.

  Wait....she said that I could come to her.

To be continued....

Finally I got this chapter finished. I thought it would never happen. I was on writers block for this chapter in particular. Everything else l could write. I saw that my reads were getting higher and higher as the days pass on. Well last night I talked to Zendaya on kik and she gave me some ideas. I'm truly thankful. This book is my most popular on Wattpad. 57 thousand reads. That's alot. Well Anyways I'm not gonna hold y'all.

Zendaya and Bella (Another story of us) -ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now