Chapter 55- Don't know nothing, the physic

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Bella's POV:

"I thought I was coming to you" I said a bit confused.

"Something told me that I had to come to you, let's go to a place that's quiet and isolated from the others" she suggested.

I moved away from the door and took her down the main hallway.

"There" I said and pointed at the door at the end of the hall which was a classroom not in use.

"Thats an empty classroom, it's always open."I said.

   I turned around and faced her noticing that she was looking up at something on the ceiling. She must can feel and see it to. I opened the door and let Sona in. We sat down at a rounded edged table in the middle of the room. Sona started to pull out objects from her bag. Candles, matches, a crystal ball, and a book of spells that is called a Grimoire. She also pulled out bless oil and a Bible. Maybr She's considering doing a blessing.

"OK Bella, let's get started" she positioned everything on the table to match the vision in her mind.

"Did you bring an item of the girls" she asked holding out her hand to receive it.

"Um....Yes, I did" I said and reached in my bag and couldn't find it. "That's weird, I know I put it in my purse" I digged around for it.

Out of no where I felt an object hit me against the back of my head. I turned around to find Zendaya's necklace laying on the floor behind my chair. I picked it up and handed it to Sona. She heavens it and closed her eyes.

Sona's (physic)pov :

  I clenched the object tight in my hand. I saw visions of this girl. She was sad and alone. She had just been molested by someone and it changed her. She had brown curly hair and she had brown eyes and Carmel skin. She had a very slender frame and was tall.

"Bella" I said with my eyes still closed.

"Yes ma'am" I hear her response.

"This girl, is she your friend?" I asked.

"The necklace belongs to her. What are you seeing, is it bad" Bella asked me.

  At that moment I could feel her pain. I could hear her thoughts of suicide.

"Yes. It's very bad. I don't like this at all Bella" I said seeing the very gruesome visions in my mind.

"Sona, tell me what you are seeing" she demanded.

"Your friend, her name's Zendaya" I said and finally opened my eyes and looked across the table at her. She nodded in agreement.

"What is it?" she asked looking at me worried. I closed my eyes and went deeper into my mind.

"She was raped by one of her uncle's " I went ahead and said.

"Oh my God" she said. "When? How old was she?"

"She was 7, something is going on with her" I said.

"She is possessed, She's possessed by a serial killer." she said then went on about all they've then through. I could imagine how scary that must have been for her.

I suddenly got this urge to cry. I put my hands in on my face and broke down into tears. I was feeling what this young girl was feeling. I felt scared, I felt alone and like no one loved me.

"Oh God" I cried out. Bella walked over to me and put her arms on my shoulder.

"Everything's gonna be fine" she said

   I continued to cry. I saw her when she was 7, I wish I could have forgotten that moment. It hurt so much, I felt so bad fo her. I dried my tears and figured it was time to work.

"So tell me, what else has been happening" I said

"Well She's been doing stuff she shouldn't" she said. She then went on about some things that really upseted her. She told me about the possession of a girl named Dora. Suppose that's who's energy I felt when I walked into this place.

"Go get her and bring her to me" I said wanting to see this girl for myself.

"Um OK" she said and got up and left the room.

*10 minutes later*

She came back with the girl who I saw in my visions. We were going to have to perform an exorcism.

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