Chapter 2: Ylissean Thorns

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"Get your Sir Amias' Day chocolates here!"

"Rose bouquets for half-price!"

"Buy your loved one an exquisite item of jewellery today!"

"Hurry to get your Amias key before it's too late!"

I wove through the crowds surrounding the stalls in Ylisstol's main marketplace, struggling to keep my box of chocolates and sheets of decorative parchment in my hands. I'd spent far too long agonising over exactly what packaging Chrom should have his Sir Amias' Day present wrapped in, and even longer choosing the perfect paper for my love letter. Now I'd been away from the castle for hours when I'd promised Chrom that I'd barely be thirty minutes. To top it off, I had no escort, as I'd wanted to enjoy some solitary moments outside while I was still nothing but a tactician.

I managed to get back to the castle before a search party emerged, but I was unsurprised to find Commander Merton lurking in the entrance hall. His posture relaxed when he set eyes on me. Princess-to-be safely home and not assassinated – check.

"Good afternoon, milady. How was your trip? You were gone for rather a long time." His dark eyebrows drew together.

I smiled and slipped my purchases out from beneath my coat so that the commander could get a quick glimpse. "Successful, thank you. Has Chrom been making you stand around here and wait for me?"

"He was becoming concerned."

"That's a yes, then. I'm perfectly capable of looking after myself."

Merton allowed himself a ghost of a smile. "I am sure that is the case, milady. However, you might put Prince Chrom's mind at rest if you are accompanied by Sumia the next time you wish to go out for so long." He looked at my shopping. "Would you like me to take those gifts for you? I can hide them somewhere safe for Sir Amias' Day."

"No, thank you, Merton. I'll hide them in my room." I turned towards the Shepherds' garrison.

"Milady, I was also told to let you know that there's a report waiting for you in Prince Chrom's quarters. It arrived while you were in the city."

My ears pricked up. It had been three days since Earl Mathis and Viscount Luther had paid us a visit, and I had immediately sought out some extra information. Now that it had arrived, I could continue trying to solve the mystery.

I raced down to the garrison and squirrelled Chrom's presents away in my wardrobe, then went to his quarters. His private study was situated next to his bedroom, and it was this door that I knocked upon when I arrived.

"Robin! Come in."

We had no special code, but he always knew that it was me each time.

I swung the door open and stepped inside. Chrom was sitting behind his large writing desk, his forehead resting in the palm of his hand as he scribbled something down.

Once I'd shut the door behind me, he finished writing and looked up, the concentration on his face melting into relief. "You were gone for a long time. I was starting to worry!"

I smiled. "Yes, so I've been told. Merton said that a report had arrived?"

Chrom nodded, cracking his knuckles before rising from his chair and stretching his arms above his head. I stared at his muscles and forgot everything.

I almost jumped when an envelope appeared in front of my face.

"Here. That should be the information you wanted." His voice was husky.

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