Chapter 5: Revelations of Great Minds

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While the royal guard handcuffed Luther, Chrom checked me for injuries by gently running his hands over my skin. Frederick, Sumia, Calla, and Merton arrived just as he was finishing, and I stood in embarrassment while they watched us.

Eventually, Chrom straightened up, and his caring expression snapped back to fury again. "You have a lot of explaining to do. You suspected that someone close to Earl Mathis was the kidnapper. Why did you come out here with Luther on your own?"

I frowned. "This wouldn't seem so stupid to you if the royal guard had done as they were asked! They were supposed to be stationed everywhere!"

The squad that was with us wisely ignored my jab.

"A woman fainted in the ballroom," Sumia said hesitantly. "It must have been just after you left. The man who was dancing with her was terrified. He said that she'd kept slurring about Viscount Luther and drugs. Captain Chrom ordered the royal guard to come in and search for him. Everything was so disorganised and there was such a panic that I suppose no one covered for this squad."

"Then there was a scream," Chrom said, his voice tight. "I knew it was you. I could feel it in my heart."

I looked at him, really looked at him, for the first time. His skin was almost white, and his eyes were pained. A muscle in his jaw flickered.

I took his hands, my stomach sinking. "Chrom, I'm sorry. I didn't think –"

"I know you didn't," he snapped. "But you should have done. I know you're the tactician here, Robin, but I'm not half-witted. I've been thinking about this case all evening, and it certainly didn't take me long to put two and two together when we realised that woman had been drugged. It wasn't necessary for you to play as bait."

"But I didn't know that at the time! I didn't know Luther was drugging his victims, and I didn't realise he had already drugged her." I took a deep breath. "Look, Chrom...I was just desperate to try and save another poor girl's life. We've fought so many battles and come out victorious. I didn't think gathering evidence from Luther was going to be that risky. I didn't think we would end up fighting, and I certainly didn't think there would be no backup nearby. I'm sorry for letting my heart rule my head and for not thinking about myself. I mean it. But I just couldn't stand by and let Luther take another woman when I had the power to do something about it, and I think you would have done the same."

Chrom held my eyes for a long moment. Some of the anger melted from them. "I...I suppose I would have. But it was a risky plan, Robin. Promise me that you'll never do anything like this ever again."

"I promise. Or, at least, I promise not to enact any more crazy plans without telling you first." I tried a small smile.

After a few moments, Chrom's eyes softened completely. He sighed and pulled me into his arms. "I can't stay angry with you for long. If you've learned your lesson, I forgive you. Now...could you please tell me your story from the beginning?"

❤ ❤ ❤

The viscount grinned at me, his smile seemingly genuine. It would have been easy to think that I had merely imagined the look in his eyes a few moments ago. He was gripping a glass of wine tightly in either hand, and he held one out to me. "I thought you were looking lonely, Lady Robin. Would you care for a drink?"

It's so close to me, I could probably drink it from here.

I took a step back and almost bumped into the potted tree in the centre of the room. "No thank you, Viscount Luther. I rarely drink alcohol. It doesn't suit me."

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