chapter 10

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"mom,dad!"tia barked loudly "over here sweetie!"the small auburn pup ran over to tia and licked her mothers face"stay with us,ok starflame" andy said smiling "ok daddy" killa looker at her mother"this is boring!" tia smiled "the full moon howl is very importent dear,its our way of letting sky pack know we still thriving,and plus you'll get to see your auntie hunter"killa's tail wagged softly "ok mom" 


"tia,andy!"tia walked over to her sister with her mate and her pups.killa ran over to hunter "hi auntie hunter!" she said waggingher tail "hello killa, my how your growing!"killa spune in a circle showing her full body and barked "mom says im gonna be big like you!"she said smiling "really"hunter said smiling "she has alreaddy started training...she takes after you hunter" hunter smiled at her sister, andy was at the edge of the hill with rebel and ash 

"like this dad" rebel asked plasing his frontleft paw forward and back right paw back"yes now rebel think of the song that lives in side you and put you haed up and let it out" rebel nodded and tried to howl but it came out and squek.tia smiled "you didnt lisen need to find your own song every ones is diffrinte then..." andy put his head high and howled loudly,his deep howl filled the forest "watch pups"hunter said layingnext to the pupstia joined and and there howls fussed together forming a soft calming sound.jane stood with killa the twin pups howled making the forest not just calming but peacefull.soon hunter joined with starflame and ash and last rebel 

he found the song within him 

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