Fear not

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Enochlophobia. Definition: Fear of crowds of people or large mobs.

Mix that with a slight case of claustrophobia and you got a bad concoction for a panic attack. Most people with the fear of large crowds would not be working on a starship. You could handle that because you were not surrounded by tons of strangers 24/7 in a small room. Most people of your kind would probably run in fear at the sight of too many people so it didn't really surprise Leonard when you had fainted after getting lost from him and your friends in that kind of mess. The country doctor stared at your heart monitor trying to keep your heart at a steady pace. To his satisfaction, it had settled out to a calm beating. He could feel it beneath his own palm as the beat of your heart mingled with his. You were still asleep from your episode and now he just waited for you to wake up again. He was mad at himself for letting his own girlfriend be swept up from their group, especially with the knowledge of your fear. "I'm so sorry (Y/N)" He whispered softly his voice gravelly from slight sleep deprivation. Leonard had one of his hands gently wrapped around yours as a way to protect you until you woke up and he could hold you in his arms again. He let out a sigh as he leaned his chin against the railing of the hospital bed.

"How is she Bones?" Jim asked with concern lacing his voice. He and Spock gently peeked their heads into the slightly ajar door of your temporary room. "Doctor Hart, one of my old colleagues told me that she should be alright in a few hours Jim. (Y/N) had a panic attack that caused her heart to temporarily stop and then restart again," Leonard explained giving his friends a wary look. "I'm really sorry about this whole thing buddy. I didn't know that she was afraid of huge crowds like that," Jim said in sincere apology. "Nah it wasn't your fault Jim. I should've told you about it earlier," Leonard said looking over at his friends for a moment. "Well I guess we're going back to HQ for tonight. If anything changes or if you need us you know how to contact us" Jim said finally, then turned to Spock, and gave him a small nod. The two exited the room again leaving Leonard alone with you. He sighed and gently let one of his hands brush into your silky hair. "I promise I gonna do better ta protect ya from stuff like tonight" He said softly unsure if you could even hear him or not. Leonard gently leaned in, placed a small kiss to your forehead, and then closed his eyes so that he could think and maybe get a little rest.

~Flashback brought to you by Scotty. The only one who can beam you up~

You and your friends Jim, Spock, Scotty, Uhura, Sulu, Leonard, and Chekov were all staying in the Starfleet outpost in New York City for the winter holiday. The Enterprise was getting a few repairs in the Starfleet shipyard just above earth, so Jim decided that this would be the opportune time to have shore leave on earth. Jim had somehow gotten everyone tickets to the TSO tribute band's big concert at Carnegie Hall. You were a bit nervous about it, but you didn't want to ruin the night for everyone else, especially Leonard who really loved Trans-Siberian Orchestra. You knew that one day you would have to face this irrational fear and you figured as long as your friends were there it might not be so bad. You stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom of you and Len's shared room adding a little blush and dark blue eyeshadow to your face to complete your look. Tonight you wore a midnight blue dress with a sweetheart neckline that flowed around your ankles. On your feet you had a pair of brown boots that had crème colored fur around the edges and black buttons lining the inner side of each one. Around your neck, you had a simple silver heart locket that Leonard had given you on your first dating anniversary that had a picture of the two of you inside. You had your hair tied in a simple ponytail because you were too lazy to do anything else with it.

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