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Amethyst's POV:
Running out of the dance hall, I swerved past our teacher and slid down the hall, intent on dodging the hateful glare our professor was shooting at me. Deciding that I didn't want to go straight to dinner as I had been sneakily eating crisps throughout my lessons all day, I burst into the first floor bathroom.
"I'll be leaving" said Peridot with sneering distaste. I had never personally apologised to her after we had that argument a while back, but neither had she! Though it was December and Christmas is a time of forgiveness.
"Ugh, Peridot?" I mumbled.
"What is it? Don't you have anything better to do than annoy me?" She asked with spite.
"No....? I just wanted to say sorry for, umm" I apologized.
"For reminding me how helpless I am, why can't you just leave me alone?!!" Peridot yelled as she folded her skinny arms over her chest, her temper rising drastically for no reason. And it annoyed me! I was really trying and she just wanted to be hateful!
"What you think you're the only one who's allowed to think there less than what they are? I look in the mirror and what I see is some stupid kid who can't be what her family wants her to be! What she's meant to be!" I scream at her, my eyes watering, I was getting so annoyed at her, at myself.
"You can be whoever you want, I can't! I physically have to rely on everyone else around me just to accomplish something as simple as walking. I can't even see and you reminded me of those things, things I wanted to forget. I'm not mad at you, you just did something every one does, I'm mad at me. At who I am. At who I can't be and at the person who I always will be" screamed Peridot, she was crying now too. We both were. In this empty 3 stalled bathroom that reeked so heavily of bleach it made my eyes sting before I became emotional, and we were just stood here drowning in self hatrid, it felt ridiculous. I chuckled so suddenly I swallowed a sob and shocked Peridot so much that she turned away to wipe her tears.
"I don't get why you're laughing, we just shared an emotional breakdown." Sniffed Peridot thoughtfully before turning back and smiling faintly.
"It's ok, you know why?" I ask suddenly after having stared at one another for a good couple of minutes.
"Why?" She replied as she fluffed her short hair up.
"Instead of you hating yourself and me hating myself, we could just laugh at how hilarious this situation is. I mean, we just spent the past month arguing with each other, when we were mad at ourselves" I suggested. When struck with this realisation, Peridot snorted noticeably.
"See P-Dot, you're smiling" I laughed as I nudged her on the shoulder. She seemed a little taken a back by the gesture, and the nickname, but laughed even so.

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