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I bang my head on the dressing room wall, while Janet runs around store talking to herself.

"NO!-THIS ONE!-no this one would match so much better!! Wait! What was that!?"

I sigh and turn around and see her rushing around grabbing anything that catches her eye. She come back running with her arms full with clothes.

She pushes me back in the room and squeals. "Go! Go try them on!" She slams the door shut and I sigh. I drop like the ten pound of clothes and rub my eyes.

We've been in the damn store for the past five hours. She can't seem to stop running around and picking up crap.

Fûckin bull shit man!

I start to pick up anything that was a dark color, but Janet being Janet, she picks bright colors.

I close my eyes and take in a few breaths.

You're fine. You're fine. Last time you'll ask for help.

I start to change and I step out.

I placed on some ripped jeans and a loose shirt.

She was gone.

I blew a strand of hair that was falling in front of my eyes and sagged my shoulders.

I start to head back in but I heard her running back.

"JENNA!! THIS ONE!! I SWEAR!! TRY IT ON!" She pushes me back in the room and I barely caught my footing before I fell backwards. The door slams shut and I can hear her jumping up and down.

I look at it and it's a black high waisted skater skirt with a stripped crop top. I sighed because I always hated skirts.

I tried it in and looked through the mirror in there. The skirt hugged my hips nicely and it made my butt look wider. The shirt made the allusion of making my chest look bigger.

I walked out and that's when I had to cover my ears from her scream.


I gave her awkward smile and walked back in.

I changed and I got to choose some ripped jeans and some shorts because of the summer heat is about to come. I also got some t-shirts. I choose black converses and white ones too.

We packed her car with the shopping bags and she offered to pay to go eat.

We ate at some diner and I just tried to eat some pasta to see if it can go down smooth. Janet got a bacon burger and would shove it in my face telling me I should try it.

I continued to eat my shrimp alfredo and surprisingly I managed to finish my plate.

"Soooooo, how's your mate?" She wiggles her eyebrows and dipping her fries in ranch.

I roll my eyes and give her the middle finger.

"Oh come on! He can't be that bad!"

I glared at her and pointed at my neck. She looks at it and she turns red. "Oh. My bad."

I gave her the look 'oh sure you did'.

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